The David R. Coffin Publication Grant
The David R. Coffin Publication Grant is awarded to an author or publisher of a book-in-progress on a landscape subject. There are no restrictions with regard to period, topic, or author's nationality. Only books based on original research and those that break new ground in method or interpretation will be considered. The purpose of this prize is to reward contributors to the intellectual vitality of garden history and landscape studies. The jury considers each application on the basis of its potential for expanding the field to new areas and for increasing knowledge within an existing branch of the discipline. It seeks to support authors with an ability to write for a general readership as well as for a scholarly audience.
Former Grant Recipients
2021 - Present Grant Recipients
2011 - 2020 Grant Recipients
2008 - 2010 Grant Recipients
1. Both authors and publishers of books are eligible to apply. A book may be by one or more authors. Grants may also be made for translating books.
2. The authors or translators must have a signed contract with a publisher. Authors may apply for grants that will support research and travel necessary to complete a book. Publishers may only apply for a subvention related to the cost of enhanced production values and/or a lower purchase price.
3. Authors must submit a budget detailing the expenses they will incur in undertaking their work. Publishers must submit a pro forma budget demonstrating the necessity of a subvention solely for the purpose of increasing the number and quality of illustrations and overall production values. A request for a subvention will also be considered if it makes possible a book price below that which the estimated profit margin on the pro forma budget would allow.
Applications should include:
- A brief description of the nature and scope of the publication project and its importance to the field.
- A sample chapter and an introduction to the book.
- A resume of the author(s) or translator.
- A budget.
- Two letters from qualified references who are knowledgeable in the area of the proposal and who have no connection to the project.
Applications must be submitted by January 1, 2025 to, and include "Coffin Publication Grant Application" as the subject line.