Class Folders

Each semester a folder is created on the SARC-CLASSES share for each A-School course being taught. The folder and it's permissions are generated automatically based on SIS information.

  • Folder Name - A combination of the Course Name, Instructor Last Name, and Semester from SIS. (Ex., ALAR7020-Sieweke-SPR2016)
  • Access - Permissions to the folders are based on Student Enrollment and Instructors from SIS
    • Student Access is updated each weekday morning during the Add/Drop period
    • Secondary Instructors and TAs recorded in SIS for the course will also have automatic access


When two or more SIS registered courses are co-taught as if they are one course, the auto-generated folders will not automatically catch this, and you will have a separate folder for each by default. To address this we Combine Folders. A Combined Folder is used as a common folder across each of the courses.

Please request a Combined Folder using the IT Service Request.

  • Combined Courses are not indicated in SIS. Therefore, they must be requested. Combined Folders are not auto-generated.
  • In the Service Request please list the SIS names of the courses to be combined (Ex., PLAC5812 & SARC8812)
  • All folder changes will only be completed at the request of the instructor of that course. Please DO NOT ask students or TAs to make a request. It will be denied.
  • If the combined courses are taught by multiple instructors, each instructor must consent to the action. The action will not be completed without the instructor's consent.
    • Please forward the auto-reply from the Service Request System to the other instructors keeping the ASchool Service Request address in the cc list.
    • That instructor can then give consent by Replying-To-All with 'I agree' in the message.
Got it!

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