Fall 2024 Call for Applications - STUDENT ASSISTANTSHIP POSITIONS

Positions for Fall 2024 + Spring 2025

Student Assistantship Positions that are open for application in Fall 2024 are listed below (these may be for Fall 2024, Spring 2025 or both). Please read the application deadlines carefully:



In 2023, UVA's Environmental Institute launched a new initiative called the Decarbonization Corps, with a goal to increase the pace of decarbonization through faculty-led translational research projects conducted in conjunction with a practitioner, supported by a student intern. Projects in the Decarbonization Corps will focus on the innovation and entrepreneurship needed to drive systemic change. The institute has partnered with "UVA Innovates," a broader effort to catalyze entrepreneurship and innovation leading to the creation of novel ventures whether they be commercial enterprises or non-profit organizations.

Six faculty-led research projects are seeking student internship applications, including three led by faculty at the School of Architecture (which are highlighted below). These positions are administered through UVA's Environmental Institute. 

Biobased plasticizers for the fabrication of low-carbon shape-optimized concrete structures  

  • Faculty Lead: Mohamed Ismail
  • This project advances the decarbonization of building construction through the adoption and processing of biomaterials into plasticizers, enabling the fabrication of shape optimized concrete structures.
  • Applications received through Handshake (link below).
  • Visit this link to apply.

Manufacturing Mass Timber

  • Faculty Lead: Katie MacDonald
  • Partner: Softwood Lumber Board
  • This project will conduct market research and customer discovery, to identify paths to commercialization for the UVA robotic sawmilling technology and the new engineered softwood timber building products it can manufacture. 
  • Applications received through Handshake (link below).
  • Visit this link to apply.

Affordable Low-Carbon Housing: Navigating Carbon, Risk, and Durability

  • Faculty Lead: Jeana Ripple
  • Partner: Arlington Affordable Housing
  • This project investigates how tax-credit financing can facilitate the construction of durable, low-carbon affordable housing.
  • Applications received through Handshake (link below).
  • Visit this link to apply.

The program provides an inclusive and diverse experience. Upper-level undergraduates and graduate students from all disciplines are encouraged to apply.

Interns will receive support for 10-hour of work per week from date-of-hire through the end of Spring 2025 semester. Interns will work in close collaboration with faculty and external organizational partners. 

To be considered for an internship, students interested in this research-oriented program should apply to no more than two of the listed projects.

To apply
Applications received through Handshake. See links above and more details on EI's website: https://environment.virginia.edu/decarbonization-corps. Email environment@virginia.edu with questions.


Forcible Displacement, Shelters, and Settlements - STUDENT RESEARCH ASSISTANT (SRA)

To develop shelters and settlements that meet the needs of forcibly displaced people, we must better understand their complex movement patterns. The SRA(s) will collaborate with Earl Mark and co-PIs from the National Technical University of Athens, School of Architecture, and the Center for Social Research in Athens.

Primary responsibilities   
Based on their qualifications, the SRA will collaborate on developing field research methods and site location analysis focused on Athens, Greece, and nearby "hot spot" refugee camps.

Time commitment and availability  
The position is for Fall 2024, with the highly probable option to continue in Spring 2025; The time commitment is up to 10 - 12 hours per week, with attendance at one or two weekly research meetings to be scheduled based on mutual availability.

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, PhD Students

Pay Rate
The pay rate starts at $16/hr. for undergraduates and $18/hr. for graduate students, depending on experience and academic level. The rate for PhD students will be determined.

Preferred experience and skills
Interest in humanitarian design and planning for displaced populations, with the following qualifications: *

  • Graduate or upper-level coursework in architecture, landscape architecture, planning, or civil engineering
  • Proficiency in GIS
  • Experience with 3D visualization, simulation, and animation
  • Knowledge of social science research methods
  • Preference is given to FWS (Federal Work-Study) eligible candidates

* Candidates who meet some of these qualifications will be considered. This research is entering a new phase that combines several methods to understand refugee movements in Athens and nearby areas. Refugee well-being depends on access to employment, green spaces, and cultural hubs. By integrating ethnographic research with simulated data, the SRA will help develop field survey and simulation methods adhering to ethical standards for displaced populations. Familiarity with GIS, simulation, or social science survey methods would be integral to this work.

To apply
Submit a brief statement of interest and a CV (A PDF of work samples is optional) to Earl Mark at ejmark@virginia.edu. Please contact Earl Mark with any questions about this position.



Professor Mona El Khafif is seeking SRA applications to support her research as a Visiting Professor at the School of Cities, University of Toronto. This work will further support an exhibition and upcoming book project. This role offers a unique opportunity to engage with urban design and development projects that are shaping Toronto’s landscape, contributing to innovative research at the intersection of architecture, urbanism, and community planning.

Primary responsibilities   
This SRA position will focus on an in-depth analysis of three prototype case studies in Toronto: the Bentway, Stackt Market, and PlazaPOPS. The selected SRA will be responsible for:

  • Producing high-quality graphic work, including 3D models, site plans, program and data visualizations, and GIS mapping
  • Assisting with theoretical research, providing critical support in editing and organizing source data

Time commitment and availability  
Ideally, candidates will be available for the academic year 2024 to 2025; An average of 10 hours per week during the semester and possibly more hours during the winter break

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, PhD Students

Pay Rate
$16/hr. – 20/hr. (based on experience)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Interest in urban design and case study analysis
  • Capacity to work with larger GIS files
  • Graphic sensibility
  • Interest in exploring new visualization techniques, and software skills: rhino, illustrator, ArcGIS
  • Ideally familiarity with HTML coding but optional

To apply
Submit a portfolio, statement, CV, and references to Mona El Khafif at me9gn@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Mona El Khafif with questions about the position.


Sustainable Food Collaborative -  STUDENT RESEARCH ASSISTANT (SRA)

The Institute for Engagement + Negotiation (IEN) is seeking to hire an SRA to support work on the Sustainable Food Collaborative (SFC). The SFC, a subset of the UVA Sustainability Committee, is a collaboration across several university entities connected with the campus food system. The SFC works to implement the five Sustainability Plan Food Goals, which center around food sustainability, food security and equity, and supporting local food systems.

Primary responsibilities   
The SRA will work with the project team to perform the following tasks:

  • Attendance and support for project team meetings and workshops through tasks such as notetaking, preparation of materials, meeting scheduling, and communications. 
  • Facilitation skills development and leading small group discussions and meetings 
  • Communicating with Hub members around upcoming events and supporting and tracking work groups and their goals. 
  • Working with project leads and partners on developing, coordinating, and supporting marketing for relevant events. 
  • Maintaining file organization for SFC; updating website; social media posts, and provide support for members as needed. 

Time commitment and availability  
Fall semester 2024; 14 weeks; 10-15 hours per week (Academic Year), with the opportunity to continue through the Spring semester.

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate and undergraduate students

Pay Rate
$16/hr. (undergraduate); $17-18/hr. (graduate, based on year/experience)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Excellent written and verbal communication/engagement with diverse partners and audiences
  • Support implementation through notetaking, facilitation, research, and related activities
  • Experience with Canva OR Adobe Creative Suite to support the design of graphic and visually engaging materials for public audiences
  • An applicant with proficiency in MS Office and Google Drive is preferred 

To apply
Send your current resume/CV and brief (250 words or less) statement of your interest to Kelly Altizer (kaltizer@virginia.edu). Please connect with Kelly for any questions about the position. 




Archived Positions - No longer seeking Applicants


The Graduate Career Development Student Assistant will assist with event planning, event management, graphic design, marketing, and will be FERPA trained to handle sensitive student, employer, and alumni information.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Tracking and conducting employer outreach and meetings for the externship program, career fairs, and other School of Architecture career development events. 
  • Attending and helping to facilitate career development events to ensure success and to track attendance.
  • Assist in event planning and organization for info sessions, workshops, firm crawls, and spring semester career fair event. 
  • Beautifying career development presentation slide decks and documents. 
  • Benchmarking peer schools/programs for career development programming. 
  • Designing graphics and advertising for career development events in consultation with School of Architecture Communications Team.

Time commitment and availability  
Fall & Spring 2024-25 with hopes of serving in the role 2025-26; Up to 10 hours per week;
Evening availability and/or 12-1pm availability during the week;
Availability for possible overnight firm crawl March 20-21.

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate Students; Any graduate student with strong graphic design skills may apply.

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Familiarity with Adobe InDesign, Canva, and Photoshop.
  • Strong customer service skillset, flexible, self-motivated, leadership abilities, and intuitive.
  • Strong graphic design skills.
  • Preferred: Student hoping to keep role through 2025-26.

To apply
Submit Resume, all available hours in schedule (you will not work all of these), 5 page work sample demonstrating graphic/design capabilities (photography and hand-drawing not necessary) to Lindsay Schiller at lms7yk@virginia.edu. Contact Lindsay Schiller with questions about this position.


Professor Sanda Iliescu is seeking to hire an SRA to support her work as an artist in a project that explores the nature and implications of artistic collaborations.

Primary responsibilities   
The SRA will work primarily as a painting collaborator and engage in activities that include:

  • Creating collaborative paintings
  • Mixing paints
  • Preparing canvases for painting

Time commitment and availability  
Fall 2024 semester; 14 weeks; 10 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate students; Applicant must have taken at least one painting course at UVA, either in the art department or the School of Architecture.

Pay Rate
$17-18/hr. (based on painting experience)

Preferred experience and skills

  • A strong interest in art and potential relationships between painting and architecture is required.
  • Painting experience (having taken at least one painting course at UVA) is required.

To apply
Send a current CV, PDF of work samples interest to Sanda Iliescu, sdi5h@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Sanda Iliescu for questions about this position.


Seeking one SRA to join the Community Research & Design Lab (CRADL) and assist the Bobby Vance in his role as UVA Environmental Institute Practitioner Fellow. 

Primary responsibilities   
The SRA will work with the project team to perform the following tasks:

  • Assist the team in the creation of presentation content related to Bobby Vance’s lecture series
  • Assist the team in the research of prefabrication and modular design modalities to inform the content of the studio and the lectures
  • Assist in the team in researching companies, industries, materials, systems and technologies that advance the building industry.
  • Assist in the creation of templates for PowerPoint, InDesign, Illustrator and Revit to document the work of Bobby Vance’s research and the Studio.

Time commitment and availability  
Fall 2024 semester, up to 15 weeks, with possible extension to the 2025 Spring semester; 10 hours a week average including attendance of weekly meeting.

Level + Eligibility 
Federal Work Study (FWS)-eligible Graduate and Undergraduate students are encouraged to apply for this position from the discipline of Architecture.

Pay Rate
$16 undergraduate, 18/hr. graduate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Experience in Autodesk Revit
  • Visual representation using Adobe workflows (preferred); and
  • Strong organizational skills, ability to work independently, availability to meet weekly goals.

To apply
Submit a brief statement (in-line), indicate your FWS eligibility, CV and work samples in PDF form to Schaeffer Somers at ses3k@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Schaeffer Somers with questions about the position. 


The newly established MIST lab at the A-School is seeking to hire multiple SRAs to support ongoing projects at the lab.  

Primary responsibilities   

  • Spatial research and site investigations at multiple scales (from material systems to the region) 
  • Experimental and speculative design investigations through drawings and other media (animations, models, videos, interactive media, etc.) 
  • Scenario building and narrative illustration 
  • Curation, design, and production of exhibition/publication material

Time commitment and availability  
Fall 2024, ~15 weeks, extendable into Spring; 10 hours/week on average

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students

Pay Rate
$16/hr - $18/hr based on experience

Preferred experience and skills

  • Creative disposition and willingness to experiment with drawings, models, and other visual material
  • Working proficiency in design and mapping software, including Adobe Suite, Rhino, and GIS software
  • Some fabrication experience is ideal
  • Interest or experience in creative writing
  • Interest in curation and communication of design ideas through narrative media
  • Strong time management skills and ability to work independently or with others towards deadlines

To apply
Submit a PDF of work samples and a statement of interest (1 page) to Ali Fard at afard@virginia.edu. Application will remain open until positions are filled. Please reach out to Ali Fard with any questions about the position.



Student Assistants will work with Moh Ismail in the UVA Equity Center's Starr Hill Pathways Program. Students will support curriculum development and preparation, leading small youth groups through architectural design workshops.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Setting up digital and studio spaces for the program.  
  • Organizing program activities.  
  • Reaching out to guests/stakeholder visits.  
  • Helping youth participants develop designs in studio and the FabLab.

Time commitment and availability  
September 18 - October 30; 
Phase 1: September 18-22, approximately 10 hours of planning; 
Phase 2: Monday September 23; Friday September 27; and Friday October 25 (1pm - 3:15pm for actual classes)

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, PhD Students

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Previous work experience with youth / youth development.
  • Full knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite, Rhino, 3D modeling.
  • Advanced fabrication and full project development in the A-School FabLab is preferred.

To apply
Submit a current CV, PDF of work samples (including FabLab experience), and a statement of interest detailing previous experience with youth programming to Moh Ismail at ismail@virginia.edu and CL Bohannon at clbohannon@virignia.edu. Please contact Moh Ismail with questions about this position.



Instructor: Ghazal Jafari

Assistant Professor Ghazal Jafari is seeking applications for a SIA for PLAN 6013, Communication and Planning Analysis (Fall 2024). The class is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11am - 12:15pm. 

Role and responsibilities
Directing software workshops that include the following:

  • Research, preparation, and planning for workshops which involves tutorial writing, finding drawing samples, and guiding of students through assigned weekly tutorials available online through LinkedIn

  • Holding weekly workshops that involve running drawing exercises for demonstration purposes.

  • Depending on the SIA’s schedule, the instructor may ask them to be present during one session of weekly classes either on Tuesday or Thursday. In such cases, their class presence will be included in the weekly 7–10-hour limit.

Time commitment and availability
Fall 2024, 7-10 hours weekly (see information about class time above).

2nd or 3rd year graduate student with experience in Urban Design, Landscape Architecture or Architecture studios.


Experience and skills 

  • The candidate should be comfortable with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, and they should be familiar with Rhino (2D) and GIS for the purpose of data collection and exporting basic geospatial information to graphic design software.

  • Experience in tutorial writing and holding workshops is preferred but not necessary.

  • Open to working with students, offering constructive criticism, and holding “desk crits” during office hours.

To apply: Submit a letter of interest addressing the experience + skills requirements and CV (single pdf) to Ghazal Jafari, jafari@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Ghazal Jafari with any questions about this position.


The Career Development team handles student career advising, employer events, and outcomes reporting. 

Primary responsibilities   

  • Event management and advertisement for career development events.

Time commitment and availability  
Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 with option to extend for the right candidate;
Average of 1 hour a week for the semester, but these will come in waves. 
For example, a Career Fair might be 6 hours of work, but there might not be another event for multiple weeks after. 

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate and Graduate Students; Any graduate student with strong graphic design skills may apply.

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Previous customer service and work experience preferred. 
  • Federal Work study students preferred. 
  • Enthusiastic, driven, resilient, self-motivated, and flexible skillset sought.

To apply
Submit Resume to Lindsay Schiller at lms7yk@virginia.edu. Contact Lindsay Schiller with questions about this position.



UVA Sawmilling is seeking assistants prepared to help complete projects tied to key relationships and operations on and off Grounds. 

Primary responsibilities   

  • Leadership over aspects of projects currently underway, including communication, fabrication, and helping to organize volunteers. 

Time commitment and availability  
Fall 2024, to be re-evaluated start of Spring 2025 semester; 7-8 hours per week, including attendance at weekly meetings

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students

Pay Rate
$16/hr undergraduate; $18/hr graduate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Excellent communication skills
  • Willingness to lead small teams and be confident in doing so
  • Experience in some form of woodworking required. 
  • Experience working in Rhino, InDesign, and Squarespace a plus

To apply
Submit a short statement of interest and experience along with a few examples of completed fabrication projects to Andrew Spears at sas2pq@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Andrew Spears with any questions about the position.



This research project is compiling graphic, cultural, and empirical data about local tree species for distribution to a broad audience as a test case for further work in this direction.

Primary responsibilities   

  • The SRA will primarily work to research and compile species by species details for a number of pre-selected tree types. There will be brief weekly check-ins, but this work will largely be asynchronous. 

Time commitment and availability  
September to October 2024, 5 weeks; 7-8 hrs/week

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate Students

Pay Rate
$16-18/hr based on experience

Preferred experience and skills

  • Background in group research projects
  • Proficient with Adobe InDesign
  • Familiarity with arboricultural and wood working terms will be helpful to parsing valuable information

To apply
Submit a brief statement of interest and a sample of prior research project or paper to Andrew Spears at sas2pq@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Andrew Spears with any questions about the position.



This SRA position will focus on geospatial data gathering, mapping, and visualization for Matthew Seibert’s book, "Atlas of Energy Transitions: The Costs and Cautions Behind Our Clean Energy Utopia." (https://www.matthew-seibert.com/darksideofgreen)

Primary responsibilities   

  • In supplement to guest authors contributing from fields ranging from environmental conservation to social justice, a series of narrative mappings will be crafted in conversation with Seibert and the respective author. 
  • This entails identifying, gathering, analyzing, and visualizing relevant GIS datasets in design with author-provided site photography.

Time commitment and availability  
Fall 2024 (September – December); ~ 16 weeks, with option to extend into Spring semester; up to 10 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, PhD Students

Pay Rate
$16/hr. – 20/hr. (based on experience)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Experience with GIS, the Adobe Suite, and a general interest in landscapes of extraction are critical.
  • Other visualization skills including 3d modeling (i.e. Rhino) and time-based animation (i.e. After Effects) are encouraged.
  • Candidates should have strong time management and be able to work independently to meet weekly or biweekly goals.

To apply
Submit a PDF of work samples (10 mb size limit) and a statement of interest (1 page limit) to Matthew Seibert at ms3sy@virginia.edu. Position will be advertised until filled. Please reach out to Matthew Seibert with questions about the position.



The Institute for Engagement + Negotiation (IEN) is seeking to hire one SRA to support work on the Resilience Action Feasibility Tool (RAFT), a collaborative, community-driven process to help Virginia’s coastal localities improve resilience to flooding and other coastal storm hazards while remaining economically and socially viable.

Primary responsibilities   
The SRA will work with the project team to perform the following tasks:

  • Qualitative research and analysis including stakeholder interviews and focus groups 
  • Report and meeting summary development 
  • Identification of stakeholders and outreach
  • Attendance and support for project team meetings and workshops through tasks such as notetaking, preparation of materials, meeting scheduling, and communications 
  • Facilitation skills development and leading small group discussions and meetings

Time commitment and availability  
Full academic year 2024-2025; 10-20 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate students

Pay Rate
$17-18/hr. (graduate, based on year/experience)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Support implementation through notetaking, facilitation, research, and related activities
  • Written and verbal communication/engagement with diverse partners and audiences
  • Experience with Adobe Creative Suite to support the design of graphic and visually engaging materials for public audiences
  • An applicant with proficiency in MS Office is preferred

To apply
Send your current resume/CV and brief (250 words or less) statement of your interest to Kelly Altizer (kaltizer@virginia.edu). Please connect with Kelly for any questions about the position. 



The Communications Office at the School of Architecture is seeking a student video editor to join the team. This SSA will assist in the post-production of video content for the A-School, primarily its Public Program series, as well as other video collateral developed and presented by the School of Architecture through its social media and online channels. Weekly assignments for the SSA are primarily independently executed, while special projects will include collaboration with the full Communications staff, including directors and other student assistants.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Editing recorded lecture/event programming that is part of the School’s Public Programs Series
  • In some instances, captioning recorded video content
  • Review recorded video content for clarity and quality
  • Assist A-School staff with setting up video capture for the School’s Public Programs Series
  • Aiding in data management, organization of digital assets, and public dissemination related to video content 
  • Secondary responsibilities (based on project and availability): Post-production video editing for A-School social media channels; Assisting full time staff on video projects with an opportunity to help on set with video production

Time commitment and availability  
Academic year 2024-2025; An average of 5-7 hours a week

  • This job allows you to schedule your work flexibly including during business hours, evenings or weekends. Most editing and post-production work is completed independently and therefore can be done based on your preferred schedule. 
  • Students will need to be available to assist with setting up lecture capture on Mondays at 4:45pm and occasionally assist with event capture on Fridays at 11:45am. For these responsibilities, typically 30 minutes is needed. If the SSA is unable to commit to these times, it is possible that the team can find an alternate (please indicate in your application if these times can work for you).
  • Weekly turn-around times, with occasional longer-term projects

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate and Graduate students; Federal work-study eligible students are encouraged to apply.

Pay Rate
$16/hr. (undergraduate); $18/hr. (graduate)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Excellent oral, written, and graphic communication skills
  • Working knowledge of Adobe Suite, including video editing software (Adobe Premiere)
  • Responsible, reliable, and punctual; Ability to meet deadlines
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Comfortable working independently, as well as with a team
  • Experience in video editing and captioning
  • Interest in A-School public programming, ideas and discourse around topics related to our disciplines and practices
  • Interest in sharing fresh ideas for captivating video content with ability to learn new skills/software as needed
  • Skills and experience in live streaming is a bonus

To apply
 Send a short statement of interest, work sample, and current resume or CV to Sneha Patel (snehapatel@virginia.edu), copying Ashley Duffalo (aduffalo@virginia.edu). Contact Sneha Patel with any questions about this position.


Center for Forest Urbanism -  STUDENT RESEARCH ASSISTANT (SRA)

The newly created Center for Forest Urbanism seeks a student research assistant to support a variety of initiatives on Grounds and within the local Charlottesville community to explore multi-disciplinary approaches to preserve and augment urban trees and forests.

Primary responsibilities   
The SRA will work with the project team to perform the following tasks:

  • Assistance in organizing and convening academic roundtables on Grounds
  • Research into innovative approaches to value and protect existing urban trees through municipal policies and practice
  • Drafting case studies that illustrate the implementation and impact of innovative approaches
  • Assistance with a range of communication tools to convey the work of the center

Time commitment and availability  
Fall 2024; 10 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate students and PhD students

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Proficiency in research and writing
  • Experience in Adobe Creative Cloud suite of programs
  • Demonstrated interest in urban forest preservation preferred
  • Website design and maintenance a plus

To apply
Send your current resume/CV, a writing sample and a brief letter of interest to JD Brown (jdb5c@virginia.edu). Please reach out to JD Brown with questions about this position. 



_mpathic design (Associate Professor Elgin Cleckley) is seeking to hire two to three SRAs to support an upcoming exhibition at the School of Architecture, and several international locations.

Primary responsibilities   
The SRA will assist with the completion of:

  • Exhibition Graphics
  • Support Structures
  • Graphic Layouts of Exhibition Spaces

Time commitment and availability  
Fall 2024, 7-10 weeks

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate and Graduate students

Pay Rate
$16/hr. (undergraduate); $18/hr. (graduate)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Excellent written/verbal communication skills
  • Proficiency in the Adobe Creative Suite and AutoCad
  • High model-making skills required

To apply
Send a current CV, PDF of work samples (including modeling examples), and statement of interest to Elgin Cleckley, elc2n@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Elgin Cleckley with any questions about this position. 



The Department of Architecture is seeking additional/or new applications for Student Instructor Assistants (SIAs) for the following courses for the fall 2024 semester:

Arch 1020 Lessons in Making (Instructor: Sasson Rafailov)
Seeking additional applicants

Arch 2010 Foundation Studio II (Coordinator: Katie Stranix)
Seeking additional applicants

Arch 7010 Foundation Studio III (Coordinator: Esther Lorenz)
Seeking an SIA that can start prior to the start of classes in addition to working during the semester. This can be the same individual filling both needs, or two different applicants. Note in your application your availability and preference.

Arch 7250 Environmental Systems (Eric Field)
Seeking additional applicants

Full details on the role and responsibilities associated with each course, eligibility, pay rate, application instructions and more can be found in the CALL FOR APPLICATIONS.

Please note: All other courses listed in the Call for Applications (except for those listed above) have been filled.


The Communications Office at the School of Architecture is seeking a student to join the team as a social media assistant. This SSA will work closely with the A-School’s Creative Director of Communications and student team to highlight and celebrate the School’s academics, research, and student life.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Curation of student work for social media from end-of-semester submissions housed on Box/shared server
  • Outreach to students to request student work for social media (including graphic collateral, descriptions, credits), inclusive of coursework and research
  • Creation (and revisions) of social media posts, primarily focused on students
  • Development of social media campaigns that show and celebrate student life beyond the classroom 
  • Management of a communication posting calendar in coordination with the Comms Team
  • Scheduling social media posts and/or posting natively on all A-School social media platforms (posts, stories, videos/reels; Instagram, X, Meta, YouTube)
  • Responding to comments and direct messages on social media
  • Other social media or communications projects, as needed

Time commitment and availability  
Academic year 2024-2025, with possible continuation (Summer 2025); An average of 7 hours a week

  • This job allows you to schedule your work flexibly including during business hours, evenings or weekends. Most work is completed independently and therefore can be done based on your preferred schedule.
  • Commitment to post daily or every other day, but with advanced preparation (does not need to take place in real time)
  • Team meetings will be held twice a month

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate and Graduate students; Federal work-study eligible students are encouraged to apply.

Pay Rate
$16/hr. (undergraduate); $18/hr. (graduate)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Knowledge of social media formats and best practices
  • Excellent oral, written, and graphic communication skills
  • Working knowledge of Adobe Suite for editing of digital assets
  • Responsible, reliable, and punctual; Ability to meet deadlines
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail
  • Comfortable working independently, as well as with a team
  • Interest in the full scope of School of Architecture curricula and research topics (across all departments and programs)
  • Interest in sharing fresh ideas for captivating video content with ability to learn new skills/software as needed
  • Interest in celebrating and highlighting student work and research, with enthusiasm to reach out to the student body (across all cohorts) to represent a full range of disciplines, levels, topics, and courses
  • Curatorial or exhibition skills are not required, but considered an asset to this position

To apply
 Send a short statement of interest, work sample, and current resume or CV to Sneha Patel (snehapatel@virginia.edu), copying Ashley Duffalo (aduffalo@virginia.edu). Contact Sneha Patel with any questions about this position.



The Department of Urban and Environmental Planning is seeking additional/or new applications for Student Instructor Assistants (SIAs) for the following courses for the fall 2024 semester:

PLAN 3020 Planning in Government (William Cockrell)

PLAN 3060 Law, Land, and the Environment (Christopher Ripple)

PLAN 6070 Planning Theory and Practice (Andrea Roberts)

Full details on the role and responsibilities associated with this course, eligibility, pay rate, application instructions and more can be found in the CALL FOR APPLICATIONS.

Please note: All other courses listed in the Call for Applications (except for those listed above) have been filled.


Assistant Professor Schaeffer Somers is seeking one SRA to join a new research lab and assist in the development of a community-engaged research studio to develop affordable housing solutions in partnership with community-based organizations and the City of Charlottesville.  

Primary responsibilities   
The SRA will work with the project team to perform the following tasks:

  • Apply a systems thinking and community-based participatory research approach.
  • Conduct a comprehensive literature review to assemble an evidence base for systems analysis, health impact assessment (HIA), and design thinking.
  • Synthesize and visualize research in diagrams and presentation graphics. 

Time commitment and availability  
SRA should have availability in the Summer 2024 with possible extension to the 2024-25 academic year depending on performance evaluation; part-time, 10 hours a week with additional hours available in the summer phase.

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate and undergraduate students in all disciplines

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Experience in qualitative research, and systematic literature review (required); 
  • Interest in participating in community engagement;
  • Visual representation using Miro and Adobe workflows (preferred); and
  • Strong organizational skills, ability to work independently, availability to meet weekly goals.

To apply
Email a brief statement (in-line), CV and work samples in PDF form to Schaeffer Somers at ses3k@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Schaeffer Somers with questions about this position. 


Disaster Resilience Student Research Assistant (SRA)

Assistant Professor Jennifer Lawrence is seeking applications for an SRA to support research inquiring interconnected dimensions of disaster production and response. This position is to assist with secondary research, procurement of permissions, and data organization. Candidates who have familiarity with coding qualitative research, literature review and analysis, and who are comfortable with interacting with research participants are desired.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Scheduling, transcribing, and coding interviews
  • Secondary research and fact-checking
  • Comparative policy analysis at the domestic and international levels
  • Development of graphic design to supplement manuscript

Time commitment and availability  
Spring 2024 with the possibility of extension for Summer 2024; Less than 10 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students (advanced); Graduate Students (advanced); PhD Students

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Experience with methods from the applied social sciences

To apply
Submit your current resume/CV and brief (250 – 300 words) statement of your interest and availability to Jennifer Lawrence (kmd5xf@virginia.edu). Please reach out to Jennifer Lawrence with any questions about this position.


Community Resilience Student Research Assistant (SRA)

The Institute for Engagement + Negotiation (IEN) is seeking to hire two to three SRAs to support work on the Resilience Action Feasibility Tool (RAFT), a collaborative, community-driven process to help Virginia’s coastal localities improve resilience to flooding and other coastal storm hazards while remaining economically and socially viable.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Qualitative research and analysis including stakeholder interviews and focus groups
  • Report and meeting summary development
  • Identification of stakeholders and outreach
  • Attendance and support for project team meetings and workshops through tasks such as notetaking, preparation of materials, meeting scheduling, and communications
  • Facilitation skills development and leading small group discussions and meetings

Time commitment and availability  
Summer 2024, 10-12 weeks; Fall 2024, 14 weeks; 10-15 hours per week (Academic Year), up to 20 hours per week during the summer (beginning May 2024, with opportunity to continue through end of fall semester 2024)

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students; Graduate Students

Pay Rate
$16/hr. (undergraduate); $17-18/hr. (based on experience, graduate)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Support implementation through notetaking, facilitation, research, and related activities
  • Written and verbal communication/engagement with diverse partners and audiences
  • Experience with Adobe Creative Suite to support the design of graphic and visually engaging materials for public audiences
  • An applicant with proficiency in MS Office is preferred

To apply
Send your current resume/CV and brief (250 words or less) statement of your interest to Kyungha Strange-Lee (svf6eu@virginia.edu) and copy Robierre Nderitu (rn4t@virginia.edu) on your application. Please reach out to Kyungha Strange-Lee and Robierre Nderitu with any questions about this position.



The School of Architecture is launching a Peer Mentor program to enhance new students’ acclimation to the A-School. Peer Mentors (PM) are compassionate and enthusiastic current A-School students who exhibit a passion for serving others. PMs help new students thrive by adjusting to life at the A-School, connecting students to key resources, facilitating the exploration of UVA and the local community, and supporting students’ overall flourishing as a member of the A-School community. Several positions across all disciplines and academic levels are available.  
(Note: Currently seeking applications from current students in the following programs only — these student representative roles have not yet been filled: Master of Architectural History, Master of Architecture, Master of Urban + Environmental Planning, PhD in the Constructed Environment).

Primary responsibilities   

  • Develop and respond to brief introductory email to your assigned mentees.
  • Actively participate in all August 26, 2024 School of Architecture Orientation activities for new students (9am-3pm).
  • Prepare for and lead a student roundtable discussion as part of the August 26, 2024 School of Architecture Orientation activities for new students (11am-12pm).
  • Provide feedback on the Peer Mentor program to enhance new student support in subsequent years.

Time commitment and availability  
Summer 2024 - 8 hours guaranteed:

  • Approximately 1 hour prior to August 26, 2024 for outreach and responses to assigned mentees.
  • August 26, 2024 (9am-3pm) for participation in A-School Orientation.
  • Approximately 1 hour after August 26, 2024 for feedback on Peer Mentor program.

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate, Graduate and PhD Students
(Note: Currently seeking applications from current students in the following programs only — these student representative roles have not yet been filled: Master of Architectural History, Master of Architecture, Master of Urban + Environmental Planning, PhD in the Constructed Environment).

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Must have completed at least one year as a School of Architecture student.
  • Must exhibit a passion for serving others.
  • Must have active involvement in the School of Architecture. 

To apply
Complete the online application - https://forms.office.com/r/qiPYF6LTYb. You will be required to upload a Statement of Interest and a Resume in addition to answering a few simple questions. Contact Cindy Kiefer (kiefer@virginia.edu) with any questions about this position.



Co-PI Professor Mona El Khafif is seeking a summer SRA who can help with the website for Lithium Territories - an ongoing inter-institutional design research collaborative.   

Primary responsibilities   
The Lithium Territories SRA will prepare the material of 3 research studios and seminars for web posting.

Time commitment and availability  
Summer 2024 - mid June to end of July; This assignment is for a maximum of  70-80 hours; the SRA can work on this independently over the summer. 

Level + Eligibility 
PhD and Graduate students; Ideally, the student was enrolled in the UVA classes (Studio "Terrapolis" held in Spring 2024 or Seminar "Urban Strategies Mining the Sun" held in Fall 2023) and is familiar with the material.

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Interest in the subject matter.
  • Experience with websites, social media, and web posts, and graphic sensibility.
  • Capacity to work independently. 

To apply
Email a CV, statement of interest, and portfolio to Mona El Khafif at me9gn@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Mona El Khafif with questions about this position. 

UVA Sawmilling Documentation Student Staff Assistant (SSA)

As part of UVA Sawmilling's operations, we track a number of metrics, as well as prepare and present project summaries and educational materials. The SSA will assist with these operational tasks.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Will aid in preparing publications and other documents central to UVA Sawmilling’s program, with an emphasis on reviewing past projects, synthesizing effective and clear metrics over the past 5 years, and setting precedents for future project documentation

Time commitment and availability  
June and July 2024; 10 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students

Pay Rate
$15/hr. (undergraduate and graduate)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Familiarity with spreadsheet manipulation, infographic design, Adobe Illustrator and InDesign programs required.

To apply
Submit a brief sample of infographics, timelines, operational diagrams or other relevant visualizations to Andrew Spears at sas2pq@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Andrew Spears for any questions about this position.

Urban and Environmental Planning Accreditation - Student Staff Assistant (SSA)

The Department of Urban and Environmental Planning is seeking to fill two Student Staff Assistant (SSA) positions to assist the department on its upcoming re-accreditation. 

Primary responsibilities   

  • Organizing materials for re-accreditation visit
  • Editing reports
  • Creating visuals

Time commitment and availability  
15-20 hours per week from May 28 - July 26

Level + Eligibility 
Advanced level undergraduate or graduate students

Pay Rate
$16/hr (undergraduate); $18/hr (graduate)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Excellent writing skills

  • Adobe Suite

  • Strong organizational skills

  • Design skills

To apply
Send a resume and short interest statement (Max. Length - 250 words), and work sample to Suzanne Moomaw at swm2x@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Suzanne Moomaw with any questions about this position. 



Kyle Sturgeon seeks to add to a diverse team of exhibitions assistants. SSAs will work together to execute the exhibitions scheduled for both fall and spring semesters in collaboration with external guests, faculty, and staff. The team will also envision and instigate collaborations with student organizations across the university to develop external shows and workshop programming.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Install/de-install all scheduled internal and external exhibitions at the School of Architecture. 
  • Serve as stewards to gallery spaces for public events, and a liaison to your cohort to solicit programming/exhibit ideas.

Time commitment and availability  
Academic Year 24-25; An average of 6 hours a week can be expected, but there is often additional work available. Weekly hours will vary, not to exceed 10 hours a week. Work is concentrated at installation and deinstallation periods, with approximately 8 exhibitions per semester. Our team is organized to even out the load and satisfy work/academic needs. Weekend work is occasionally expected and attendance at weekly organizational meetings is required. 

Note: This position is intentionally held for the full academic year. However: If a student cannot start in the fall semester, but is interested in the spring semester, please apply and indicate that preference in the statement of interest.

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate, Graduate Students

Pay Rate
$16/hr. (undergraduate); $18/hr. (graduate)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Interest/experience in the design, curation, and installation of gallery installations is an asset. 
  • General proficiency and/or desire to learn hand tool operation and FabLab skills is appreciated. 
  • Excellent organization and attention to detail, a focus on craft, and an interest in enriching A-School culture are critical aspects of the role. 

To apply
Please send a short statement of interest, work sample, and current resume or CV to Kyle Sturgeon (kas6m@virginia.edu). Contact Kyle Sturgeon with any questions about this position.

Design Researcher for "Atlas of Energy Transitions" Book - Student Research Assistant (SRA)

This SRA position will focus on geospatial data gathering, mapping, and visualization for Matthew Seibert’s book, "Atlas of Energy Transitions: The Costs and Cautions Behind Our Clean Energy Utopia." (https://www.matthew-seibert.com/darksideofgreen)

Primary responsibilities   

  • In supplement to guest authors contributing from fields ranging from environmental conservation to social justice, a series of narrative mappings will be crafted in conversation with Seibert and the respective author. This entails identifying, gathering, analyzing, and visualizing relevant GIS datasets in design with author-provided site photography.

Time commitment and availability  
Summer 2024, with the possibility of extending into the Fall semester (with fewer weekly hours). Summer: Approximately 20 hours a week, but depends on the needs of certain tasks and desires of the research assistant.

Level + Eligibility 
PhD Students, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students

Pay Rate
$16-20/hr. (depending on experience)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Experience with GIS, the Adobe Suite, and a general interest in landscapes of extraction are critical. 
  • Other visualization skills including 3d modeling (i.e. Rhino) and time-based animation (i.e. After Effects) are encouraged. 
  • Candidates should have strong time management and be able to work independently to meet weekly or biweekly goals.

To apply
Submit a resume of relevant experience, PDF of work samples (10 mb size limit) and a statement of interest (1 page limit) to Matthew Seibert at ms3sy@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Matthew Seibert with questions about the position.


Arctic Design Group - Student Research Assistant (SRA)

We are seeking one or more SRAs to work closely with Assoc. Professors Matthew Jull & Leena Cho on a National Science Foundation sponsored project focused on design and planning in the Arctic region.

Primary responsibilities   

  • The project is centered on a high-density sensor array deployed by our UVA team in summer of 2021 within an urban environment in the Arctic. The sensors are producing large data sets that record micrometeorological and ground-based conditions due to building, infrastructure, and anthropogenic disturbance of permafrost as well as from climate change. 
  • The SRA will be expected to work with the research team on understanding and characterizing the observed environmental conditions and their design significance. 
  • The SRA will assist in synthesizing and representing the research through figures and presentation graphics for co-authored publications.

Time commitment and availability  
Summer 2024 + possible to 2024-2025 academic year; Up to 10 hours a week, but can potentially become a full time position for the summer

Level + Eligibility 
PhD Students, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Strong research, analysis, and visual representation skills are required, as well as confidence in working independently.
  • Proficiency in drawing software (autocad, revit, rhino, adobe suite), analysis tools (arcgis, climate studio etc.), research ability (searching library databases, literature review etc.), and strong communication skills are necessary. 

To apply
Submit CV + examples of design work + brief statement of interest to Matthew Jull at mj5kh@virginia.edu and copy Leena Cho at lcho@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Matthew Jull and Leena Cho with questions about this position.


Computational Tectonics Lab Student Research Assistant (SRA)

Dr. Ehsan Baharlou is looking for 1-2 SRAs to assist him with his ongoing research related to Plastic Architecture, specifically for the documentation of Being Plastic/Becoming Plastic Symposium.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Conducting literature reviews on Plastic Architecture and Design;
  • Creating illustrations, visualizations, and drawing diagrams; and 
  • Editing texts and verifying citations.

Time commitment and availability  
Summer 2024, 6 weeks; June-July; 8 - 16 hours/week

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate Students

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Proficiency in design and illustration
  • Experience in copywriting and copyediting
  • Interest in developing and curating ideas

To apply
Email your resume (one page) and a sample of your architectural illustration (one page) to Dr. Ehsan Baharlou (baharlou@virginia.edu). Please reach out to Ehsan Baharlou for any questions about this position. 

Shoreline Conservation History Student Research Assistant (SRA)

This position will entail looking through legislation (1920s-70s) and other state and federal reports relating to shoreline conservation in the Great Lakes Basin and Mid-Atlantic, with a focus on Lake Michigan and Lake Superior and working with Assistant Professor Erin Putalik. This effort will contribute to Erin Putalik's current research on the nationalization of lakeshores and coastal sites in the U.S. during the mid-20th century.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Organize, summarize and cross reference shoreline related legislation and state/federal reports from the mid 20th century.

Time commitment and availability  
Summer 2024, 6 weeks (distribution of weeks is flexible, but start in early June). 32 hrs/week for 6 weeks preferred, but flexible.

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate Students; PhD Students; ARCH 7100/LAR 7120 (or another research methods course) preferred but not required.

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • High level of organization, clear concise communication.
  • Ability to work independently.
  • Understanding of basics around controlled vocabulary (or interest in learning) for a range of databases.
  • Highly skilled at written summaries and citation management.
  • Strong interest in history of property rights, conservation, and coastal management.
  • History of working with federal/legal documents a plus. 
  • ArcGIS facility a plus. 

To apply
Email a writing sample with bibliography and a short (approximately 150 words) description of research background that has equipped you to deal with a large number of lengthy/dense/jargony texts to Erin Putalik (esp2s@virginia.edu).  Please email Erin Putalik if you're curious but not sure if it's a fit or if you have any other questions about the position.

Community-engaged Pedagogy Student Research Assistant (SRA)

Assistant Professor Vanessa Guerra seeks an SRA at the graduate level to support research on community-engaged pedagogy project. 

Primary responsibilities   

  • Conducting literature reviews (sourcing scientific evidence)
  • Data analysis
  • Collaboration on research reports and writing

Time commitment and availability  
8 weeks, starting mid/late May; 10 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate Students; PhD Students

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Proficiency in literature review techniques, including familiarity with UVA VIRGO and database search techniques.
  • Familiarity with using Zotero bibliography software.
  • Familiarity with issues of sustainable development, community engagement, spatial justice, and social inclusion in cities within global contexts.

To apply
Email your current CV and a statement of interest that describes your previous research experience to Vanessa Guerra at vguerra@virginia.edu. Please contact Vanessa Guerra with questions about this position.


PhD Website Administrative Support Student Staff Assistant (SSA)

The Director of the PhD in the Constructed Environment Program is seeking a Student Staff Assistant to maintain up-to-date and high-quality webpages related to its program for outreach and information

Primary responsibilities   

  • Responsible for Maintenance and Update of PhD in the Constructed Environment Webpages

Time commitment and availability  
Academic Years 2024 - 2026; 1 hour per week

Level + Eligibility 
PhD Students

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Fluent in all software skills related to website data entry and design.

To apply
Email CV, Short Statement of Interest to Shiqiao Li at sl2fa@virginia.edu. Please contact Shiqiao Li with questions about this position.



The Graduate Director for Urban Design seeks support from 1 or 2 students who can help with the preparation of a program end of the year show / program exhibition.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Help with the preparation of an up-coming collaboration: site research, expansion of collaboration network, preparation of digital material and resources.

Time commitment and availability  
May 8th-May 15th, 2024; 40 hrs total if one SSA is hired (or 20hrs total each if two SSAs are hired)

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate Students; PhD Students

Pay Rate
$17-18/hr. (Based on experience, Graduate)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Experience with Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and exhibition design and installation

To apply
Submit a CV, short statement of interest, and portfolio to Mona El Khafif (me9gn@virginia.edu). Please contact Mona El Khafif with questions about this position.



The Graduate Director for Urban Design (UDC and MUD) seeks a SSA to help with the preparation for a pilot project and collaboration launching in fall 2024.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Help with the preparation of an up-coming collaboration: site research, expansion of collaboration network, preparation of digital material and resources.

Time commitment and availability  
Middle to End of May 2024; Total 80 hours (2 weeks full-time)

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students; Graduate Students; PhD Students

Pay Rate
$16/hr. (Undergraduate); $17-18/hr. (Based on experience, Graduate)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Successful applicants should have previous experience with an interest in urban design, be knowledgeable of urban development in Brooklyn, be able to conduct research and synthesize material, and should have excellent visualization skills (Rhino, Illustrator, ideally GIS, Photoshop etc.)

To apply
Submit a CV, short statement of interest, and portfolio to Mona El Khafif (me9gn@virginia.edu). Please contact Mona El Khafif with questions about this position.

Student Engagement - Student Staff Assistant (SSA)

The School of Architecture seeks two (2) Student Engagement Assistants to support the A-School’s efforts to build and maintain a positive experience for current students. With direct oversight from the Associate Dean of Student Affairs, the Student Engagement Assistants will provide critical administrative and event management support to cultivate a healthy, inclusive community.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Facilitate and oversee the following student engagement events: 
    • Coffee + Community hour (Preference given to students available Thursdays from 8-11am)
    • What You Need Wednesday (Preference given to students available Wednesdays from 5-6pm)
  • Support the A-School’s Family Weekend activities (Preference given to students available the morning of October 25th)
  • Manage the A-School’s Food Pantry (flexible hours)

Time commitment and availability  
This is a fall 2024 appointment with option to extend to spring 2025 depending on student’s availability and job performance; Average weekly schedule is approximately 5 hours/week. Hours will vary based on student’s assigned duties.

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

Strong candidates must:

  • Be a full-time student in good academic standing.
  • Be organized, reliable, responsible, and trustworthy.
  • Be able to work independently with little supervision after completion of training.
  • Exhibit a passion for serving others.

To apply
Complete the online application (https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=x4A0ewc3c0iLd-IWczplrKpFGSl91qlOusuzmGvU5KhUMlVJVTlTSlZKRVE4MlNDQTAyRklMSVNTRyQlQCN0PWcu).  Please reach out to Cindy Kiefer (cgk4h@virginia.edu) with any questions about this position. 


Open Structures Group Student Research Assistant (SRA)

Using novel methods of computational structural design and digital fabrication, student research assistants will work with the Open Structures Group to conduct research on accessible pathways to low-carbon structural design in service of sustainable and equitable development. This research will include a user study of new structural design tools, writing academic publications, and prototyping low-carbon structural elements.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Writing, reviewing, and coordinating new research publications with cross-institute collaborators.
  • Programming, testing, and publishing new open-source tools for structural design.  
  • Communicating new research outputs through social media and websites. 
  • Conducting user studies on new design workflows.  
  • Fabricating, testing , and analyzing novel shape-optimized structural designs.

Time commitment and availability  
Summer 2024, 5-10 weeks; with a possibility of extending into coming school year; Approximately 10-15 hours per week.

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate Students; PhD Students

Pay Rate
$16–18, depending on experience

Preferred experience and skills

  • Experience in digital fabrication and computational design
  • Coding experience is preferred but not required
  • Interest in structural design and optimization
  • Interest in VR/AR workflows
  • Strong writing skills 
  • Well organized with good time management
  • Good communication skills and experience with website design

To apply
Submit CV, work sample, short statement of interest, and writing samples (if available) to Mohamed Ismail at ismail@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Mohamed Ismail with any questions about this position.


NSF Proposal Graphic Designer - courtesy post

This project requires the creation of multiple figures and infographics to be included in a major National Science Foundation (NSF) proposal. The hiring manager is Russell Rivers, Project Manager at UVA Engineering Link Lab.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Research figures used in successful past NSF proposals
  • Discuss figure requirements with the PI and project team
  • Create figures that are concise, informative, and visually appealing

Time commitment and availability  
The position will be filled as soon as possible and go through August 2024, totaling an expected 15-18 weeks; Up to 10 hours/week.

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students; Graduate Students

Pay Rate
$17.50/hr. (undergraduate); $20/hr. (graduate)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Experience in graphic design
  • Proficiency with Adobe Illustrator, Visio, or other graphic design software
  • Background in Engineering a plus
  • Experience creating figures for grant proposals a plus

To apply
Submit your current CV, a PDF of graphics/figure samples, and a short statement of interest. Send all application materials to Russ Rivers, rr3gc@virginia.edu.

This is a courtesy post and is not administered through the School of Architecture.

Undergraduate Student Ambassador - Student Staff Assistant (SSA)

The A-School Admission Office is seeking Undergraduate Student Ambassadors to assist the office of Student Affairs with prospective student communication and events.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Correspond with prospective students via email and through Zoom meetings
  • Staff in-person and virtual recruitment events
  • Provide tours of Campbell Hall to prospective students and their families

Time commitment and availability  
Spring 24: End of April/Early May, 2 Weeks; Summer 24: None; Fall 24: September-December, 12 Weeks; 2-4 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students; Seeking students from all degree programs graduating Spring 2025 and later.

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Required Experience: None

  • Preferred Experience: Public Speaking, Tour Guide, Customer Service

To apply
Send a UVA Transcript and Interest Statement (responding to the prompt: Why do you want to be an Ambassador and what is your favorite thing about the A-School?, Max. Length - 250 words) to Eric Callaway at hjb7nu@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Eric Callaway with any questions about this position. 

Student Affairs - Student Staff Assistant (SSA)

With direct oversight from the Director of Admission, the Student Affairs Staff Assistant will provide critical administrative support to assist the Student Affairs Team during summer 2024.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Provide coverage to walk-in visitors, give scheduled and impromptu tours
  • Assist with First-Year, Transfer, and Graduate orientation planning and implementation 
  • Update virtual tour (created at onset of pandemic – outdated and not reflective of the school to potential students)
  • Conduct research to support upcoming recruitment initiatives

Time commitment and availability  
Summer 2024, 12 Weeks; 15 hours/week

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Required Experience: None

  • Preferred Experience: Public Speaking, Tour Guide, Customer Service, Data Management, Photography/Video Editing

To apply
Send a CV/Resume, UVA Transcript and Interest Statement (Max. Length - 250 words) to Eric Callaway at hjb7nu@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Eric Callaway with any questions about this position. 


Institute for Engagement and Negotiation Student Research Assistant (SRA)

A nationally recognized leader in fostering collaborative change, the Institute for Engagement & Negotiation (IEN) is seeking an SRA with knowledge and experience in writing and communication to assist with administrative tasks.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Administrative support such as presentation material prep, file and/or data organization and management, event planning or organization, ordering supplies etc.

Time commitment and availability  
Spring 2024, 5 weeks; Summer 2024, 12 weeks; Fall 2024, 14 weeks; 10-12 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students; Graduate Students

Pay Rate
$16/hr. (undergraduate); $17-18/hr. (based on experience, graduate)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Enthusiastic and punctual candidates with good oral and written communication skills
  • Excellent organizational skills
  • Ability to work well both independently and in a team environment
  • Interest in environmental justice and climate equity issues
  • An applicant with proficiency in MS Office, GIS, Adobe Creative Suite, and/or graphic design experience is preferred

To apply
Send your current resume/CV and brief (250 words or less) statement of your interest to Kyungha Strange-Lee (svf6eu@virginia.edu) and copy Robierre Nderitu (rn4t@virginia.edu) on your application. Please reach out to Kyungha Strange-Lee and Robierre Nderitu with any questions about this position.


Eastern Shore of Virginia Climate Equity Project Student Research Assistant (SRA)

The Institute for Engagement + Negotiation (IEN) is seeking to hire an SRA to support work on the Eastern Shore of Virginia Climate Equity Project funded by the National Science Foundation- Coastlines and People (NSF- CoPe) program. The project has an interdisciplinary team aiming to develop tools and build capacity to improve climate equity – ensuring the fair and impartial distribution of climate protection benefits throughout the community that also alleviates unequal individual burdens residents.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Qualitative research
  • Conducting, coding and analyzing stakeholder interviews and focus group meetings
  • Research and analysis of a variety of topics related to climate equity and resilience in the Eastern Shore of Virginia
  • Report and meeting summary development
  • Identification of stakeholders and outreach
  • Attendance and support for project team meetings and workshops through tasks such as notetaking, preparation of materials, meeting scheduling, and communications
  • Support creation of graphic & journalistic materials for Facebook and development of other social media communications

Time commitment and availability  
Summer 2024, 10-12 weeks & Fall 2024, 14 weeks; 15-20 hours per week during the summer (beginning May 2024, with opportunity to continue through end of fall semester 2024), 10-12 hours per week (academic year)

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students; Graduate Students

Pay Rate
$16/hr. (undergraduate); $17-18/hr. (based on experience, graduate)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Interest in climate equity and resilience
  • Support implementation through notetaking, facilitation, research, and related activities
  • Written and verbal communication/engagement with diverse partners and audiences
  • Experience with Adobe Creative Suite to support design of graphic and visually engaging materials for public audiences 
  • An applicant with proficiency in MS Office is preferred

To apply
Send your current resume/CV and brief (250 words or less) statement of your interest to Kyungha Strange-Lee (svf6eu@virginia.edu) and copy Robierre Nderitu (rn4t@virginia.edu) on your application. Please reach out to Kyungha Strange-Lee and Robierre Nderitu with any questions about this position.


Student Assistants will work with Moh Ismail in the UVA Equity Center's Starr Hill Pathways Program. Students will support curriculum development and preparation, leading small youth groups through conceptual designs to full fabrication.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Setting up digital and studio spaces for the program. 
  • Organizing daily program activities. 
  • Reaching out to guests/stakeholder visits. 
  • Supporting/coordinating field trip visits. 
  • Helping youth participants develop designs in studio and the FabLab.

Time commitment and availability  
Phase 1: May 27th - June 17th, 2024 - 3 weeks; 2-5 hours per week
Phase 2: June 17th - June 28th, 2024 - 2 weeks; 20 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students; Graduate Students; PhD Students

Pay Rate
$25/hour (undergrad) and $30/hour (grad/PhD) — paid by the Equity Center

Preferred experience and skills

  • Previous work experience with youth / youth development.
  • Full knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite, Rhino, 3D modeling.
  • Advance fabrication and full project development in the A-School FabLab is preferred.

To apply
Submit a current CV, PDF of work samples (including FabLab experience), and a statement of interest detailing previous experience with youth programming to Moh Ismail at ismail@virginia.edu and CL Bohannon at clbohanon@virignia.edu. Please contact Moh Ismail with questions about this position.

This is a courtesy post and is not administered through the School of Architecture.


+ SPRING 2025

The Department of Landscape Architecture is looking for Student Instructor Assistants (SIAs) for the following courses for the fall 2024 + spring 2025 semesters.

Fall 2024
LAR 6010 Foundation Studio I (Coordinator TBD)

LAR 6110 History of Landscape Design I (Michael Lee) 

LAR 6210 EcoTech I (Coordinator TBD)

LAR 6710 Media (Emily Wettstein)

LAR 7010 Foundation Studio III (CL Bohannon)

LAR 7210 EcoTech III (Matthew Seibert)

Spring 2025
LAR 6020 Foundation Studio II (Emily Wettstein)

LAR 6210 History of Landscape Design II (Erin Putalik) 

LAR 6220 EcoTech II (Chloe Hawkins)

ALAR 6720 Design Computation (Matthew Seibert, with Arch faculty)

LAR 7020 Foundation Studio IV (Bradley Cantrell

ALAR 7120 Research Methods (Erin Putalik, with Arch faculty)

Full details on the role and responsibilities associated with each course, eligibility, pay rate, application instructions and more can be found in the CALL FOR APPLICATIONS.



The Department of Urban and Environmental Planning is looking for Student Instructor Assistants (SIAs) for the following courses for the fall 2024 semester

PLAN 1010 Introduction to Urban and Environmental Planning (Timothy Beatley)

PLAN 3060 Law, Land, and the Environment (Christopher Ripple)

PLAN 3840 Gender and the Built Environment (Jessica Sewell)

PLAN 4010 Neighborhood Planning Studio (Suzanne Moomaw) / PLAN 6013 Communication and Analytics in Planning (Ghazal Jafari)

Full details on the role and responsibilities associated with each course, eligibility, pay rate, application instructions and more can be found in the CALL FOR APPLICATIONS.


The Department of Architecture is looking for Student Instructor Assistants (SIAs) for the following courses for the fall 2024 semester.

Arch 1010 Lessons of the Lawn (Peter Waldman)

Arch 1020 Lessons in Making (Sasson Rafailov)

Arch 2710 CAAD 3D Geometrical Modeling and Visualization (Earl Mark)

Arch 3120 Theories of Architecture (Lauren McQuistion)

Arch 3240 Intro to Structural Design (Ben Hays)

Arch 7010 Foundation Studio III (Coordinator: Esther Lorenz)

Arch 7240 Intro to Structural Design (Moh Ismail)

Arch 7250 Environmental Systems (Eric Field)

SARC 6101 Building, Cities, Narratives (Shiqiao Li)

SARC 6710 Design Computation I (Lucia Phinney)

Full details on the role and responsibilities associated with each course, eligibility, pay rate, application instructions and more can be found in the CALL FOR APPLICATIONS.



Instructor: Peter Waldman

Student Instructor Assistants (SIAs) will work directly with the course instructor. The SIA’s primary role will be to assist with preparatory class work and to help students with skills and technical issues during and/or outside of class hours. Arch 2011 (Summer Intro. to Design Studio) includes rigorous analysis of case studies, an introduction and development of drafting and digital representation techniques (plans/sections/elevations/axonometric projections/modeling), and the synthetic design and development of an architectural proposal on a Charlottesville-based infill site. 

June 17 - July 13, 2024 (course dates; 4 weeks); SIAs may need to be available for some hours pre/post course dates. 

$5000 (based on 6-credit course) 

Time commitment
160 hrs. total; SIAs must be available during studio course time (1 pm - 6pm EDT) five days a week, plus weekends for specific requests; occasional evening availability may be necessary. 

Open to upper-level undergraduate architecture and graduate architecture students in the School of Architecture. 

To apply
Upload your application by Friday, April 5, 2024 as a single PDF (not to exceed 10MB) to this Box folder, including your last name in the file name:

Application materials include:

  • Examples of your work

  • Current resume

  • Skill sets including a list of your digital software capabilities and your level of proficiency with each program

  • Experiences working in offices and/or teaching

  • Brief description of why you would like to teach this summer studio



Instructor: Jaime Sanz Haro

Student Instructor Assistants (SIAs) for Arch 2021 (Summer Intro. to Design Studio I) will work directly with the course instructor. The SIA’s primary role will be to assist with preparatory class work and to help students with skills and technical issues during and/or outside of class hours. Specifically, the SIA will need to help the instructor in the following:

  • set up of physical (photo booth, rooms) workspaces (if needed)

  • compiling and distributing site and other shared materials

  • preparing social media content

  • performing other administrative tasks

The SIA will also be instrumental in helping students conceptualize and develop their design projects by:

  • facilitating class discussions about course content and student projects

  • making themselves available to their peers through 'office hours'

  • leading visualization Q&As, when needed

July 15 - August 9, 2024 (course dates; 4 weeks); SIAs may need to be available for some hours pre/post course dates.  

$5000 (based on 6 credit course)

Time commitment
160 hrs. total; SIAs must be available during studio course time (1pm – 6pm EDT) five days a week for specific requests. SIAs will also hold 'office hours' during the week to meet with students and/or assist faculty with course logistics. Occasional attendance at reviews and special visualization workshops are also expected.

Open to graduate students in the School of Architecture, with design 
backgrounds/foci. Applicants should be confident in hand drawing, digital drafting, diagramming, Rhino modeling, rendering (V-Ray, Enscape, and/or Lumion), physical modeling. Video editing is a plus. SIAs should also be capable of working directly with students to both develop representational skills and conceptual design work.

To apply
Upload your application by Friday, April 5, 2024 as a 2-page PDF, to this Box folder, including your last name in the file name:

Application materials include:

  • Examples of your work

  • Current resume

  • Skill sets including a list of your digital software capabilities and your level of proficiency with each program

  • Experiences working in offices and/or teaching

  • Brief description of why you would like to teach this summer studio


Instructor: Isaac Mangual

Student Instructor Assistants (SIAs) for Arch 1031 (Summer Foundation Studio) will work directly with the course instructor. The SIA’s role includes:

  • participating in and helping facilitate class discussions, critiques and reviews

  • providing conceptual design and skill-based support for students

  • conducting tutorials on drawing, modeling and representational workflows

July 15 - August 9, 2024 (course dates; 4 weeks); SIAs may need to be available for some hours pre/post course dates. 

$4800 (based on 4 credit course)

Time commitment
152 hrs. total; SIAs must be available during studio course time (1pm – 6pm EDT) at least 3 days a week. Each SIA should hold 2 'office hours' per week, which they may use to meet with students and/or to assist faculty with course logistics. Additional attendance at reviews and special visualization workshops is also expected.

Open to undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Architecture. Applicants should have strong design skills and representational sensibilities; an ability to clearly communicate conceptual and abstract ideas and concepts; and have experience in Rhinoceros, AutoCAD, and Adobe Creative Suite.

To apply
Upload your application by Friday, April 5, 2024 as a 2-page PDF, to this Box folder, including your last name in the filename:

  • Application materials include:

  • Examples of your work
  • Skill sets
  • Experiences working in offices and/or teaching
  • Brief description of why you would like to teach this summer studio


The Summer Design Institute (SDI) will be coordinated during summer 2024 by Architecture Chair Jeana Ripple and Landscape Architecture Chair Bradley Cantrell in conjunction with additional instructors. The coordinators seek multiple SIAs to be part of the teaching team.

Primary responsibilities

  • Preparatory coordination: approximately 40 hours of combined preparatory work the weeks of July 1 and July 8, including some onsite preparation;

  • Attendance and assistance at orientation event on July 12; 

  • Approximately 40 hours of weekly work from July 15 – August 9 including office hours and student instruction;

  • Final exhibition preparation and installation

Open to School of Architecture graduate students, current or graduating this year (May 2024)

Time commitment and availability
40 hrs/week for 4 weeks over summer 2024 with an additional 20 hours of prep work; The position runs from July 1 – August 9, with SDI occurring from July 12-August 9.

To be confirmed - please note, the pay rate will be provided as soon as possible

Preferred/required skills

  • Teaching/SIA experience preferred
  • Strong design skills across digital and physical media

To apply
If you are interested in being considered for this position, please submit your application here:
https://virginia.app.box.com/f/ed5a01f74ece465fbab76fbb3f4c797e by Monday, April 22 as a 2-page PDF including the following information:

  • Examples of your work

  • Skill sets

  • Experiences working in offices and/or teaching

  • Brief description of why you would like to teach SDI this summer

Consider that this application is a reflection of you as a designer, include your last name in the filename. Please reach out to Jeana Ripple (jdr8w@virginia.edu) or Bradley Cantrell (bcantrell@virginia.edu) with any questions about this position.


Preserving Coastal Parklands - Harriet Tubman Student Research Assistant (SRA) - Summer Position

The position will help develop innovative natural infrastructure in response to sea level rise at the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Park on the Maryland Eastern Shore.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Work with stakeholders and federal and state officials
  • Work with large datasets and primary sources to develop landscape infrastructure concepts focused on coastal and riverine flooding, public space, and ecological habitat across the United States

Time commitment and availability  
Summer 2024; Up to 40 hours/week.

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate Students in landscape architecture or architecture, with a significant GIS, environmental science, or cultural landscape background.

Pay Rate
$18 - 20/hr.

Preferred experience and skills

  • Evidence of spatial and formal design exploration, including an interest in materials. 
  • Interest in design theory and landscape history.
  • Knowledge of preservation and conservation practices and histories. 
  • Conversant historically and able to analyze maps, images, and narratives to understand values. 
  • Knowledge of soils/sediments, water characteristic, basics of statics, and basic plant ecology and morphology. 
  • Skills in ARC GIS, Rhino 3d, Hand drawing, basic archival research, basic literature review, sophisticated rendering.

This call for applications anticipates multiple hires - not all experience/skills listed above are required for each hire.

To apply
Submit a resume of relevant experience, including coursework, a PDF of work samples (5 mb size limit; please try to limit the number of pages) and a statement of interest (1 page limit) to Brian Davis at mudlands@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Brian Davis with any questions about this position.

Climate Futures Challenge Student Research Assistant (SRA)

SRA will aid in fabrication of timber framed structure as part of the Climate Futures Design Challenge, focused on understanding and perpetuating best practices for other students and users.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Will be responsible for assisting in fabrication of Climate Futures Challenge Grant Solar Kiln
  • Will be milling siding and flooring
  • Will be completing other tasks associated and necessary for the closure of the physical aspects of the project

Time commitment and availability  
May - June 2024; 20 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Should be able to work in warm to hot weather, lift 50 lbs, and be comfortable with timber framing tools

To apply
Submit a brief statement of interest and experience to Andrew Spears at sas2pq@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Andrew Spears for any questions about this position. 


Observatory Hill Site Coordinator Student Staff Assistant (SSA)

As part of running the milling operations for UVA Sawmilling, we work to maintain an organized log yard and air drying and kiln drying rotation. The SSA will serve as a site coordinator to complete this work, alongside the Sawmilling Program Manager.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Will be responsible for working with Program Manager to coordinate the organization of log yard, air drying stacks, kiln rotations, and working inventory in preparation for the Fall Semester.

Time commitment and availability  
May - August 2024; 6-10 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students

Pay Rate
$15/hr. (undergraduate); $17/hr (graduate)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Should be able to work in reasonably hot conditions and lift 50 lbs. 
  • Familiarity with hand tools and some woodworking background suggested. 
  • Will be working with others to perform these tasks.

To apply
Submit a short statement of interest as well as any previous experience managing an inventory, scheduling events, and working with volunteers to Andrew Spears at sas2pq@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Andrew Spears for any questions about this position. 

UVA Decarbonization Academy – Summer 2024

UVA’s summer Decarbonization Academy is a paid, summer hands-on learning experience that brings together students, faculty, and staff in multidisciplinary, collaborative teams to directly support UVA's sustainability goals. Student fellows will gain hands-on, real-world experience by participating in group-based learning activities (faculty lectures, site visits, field work). Fellows will work in small teams to pursue a hands-on decarbonization project with faculty and staff mentors.

The call for applications is open from March 22 to April 8. Open to rising 3rd and 4th years and graduate students in any UVA program. Candidates will be notified on a rolling basis starting at the end of April. Accepted fellows will receive a $5,000 stipend over the 8-week academy. 

More information at sustainability.virginia.edu/uva-decarbonization-academy or email sustainability@virginia.edu  

This is a courtesy post and is not administered through the School of Architecture.


UVA’s Office for Sustainability is seeking applicants for its Student Employee positions for the fall of 2024. These students will work collaboratively on teams (Outreach, Green Living, Service Learning, Equity + Environment, Waste Minimization, or Green Building) to support the development, organization, and implementation of UVA Sustainability initiatives at the student level. 

To apply: Apply via this application link
Deadline to apply is March 31 at 11:59pm EST

Questions: Visit the Office for Sustainability Instagram @sustainableuva or our email sustainability@virginia.edu.

This is a courtesy post and is not administered through the School of Architecture.


A nationally recognized leader in fostering collaborative change, IEN is a public service organization of the University of Virginia. Our team of facilitators and mediators assists organizations, agencies, industry, and communities in making bold, sustainable decisions across a broad range of environmental, social, and economic issues.   We work in four areas: sustainable environment; resilient communities; health, food, and social equity; and building capacity through training and leadership. The Institute for Engagement & Negotiation within the School of Architecture has two to three SRA positions openings for the spring 2024.    

Primary responsibilities
Our work includes participating and assisting in project meetings, taking meeting notes, technical assistance for virtual work, and developing work summaries.

Time commitment and availability
Spring 2024, 14 weeks; 10-12 hours per week

Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students

Pay Rate
$15.50/hr. (undergraduate); $17 - 18/hr. (based on experience, graduate)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Support implementation through notetaking, facilitation, research, and related activities   
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills, with a preference for those with experience in academic writing, curriculum development, and/or literature reviews 
  • Experience with Adobe Creative Suite to support the design of graphic and visually engaging materials for public audiences   
  • Conduct research and maintain detailed database of references 
  • Previous professional work experience communicating and collaborating with external clients and partners

To apply: Submit your current resume/CV and brief (250 words or less) statement of your interest to Kyungha Strange-Lee (svf6eu@virginia.edu) and copy Robierre Nderitu (rn4t@virginia.edu) on your application. Please reach out to Kyungha Strange-Lee with any questions about this position.



The Environmental Institute (EI) seeks two Student Research Assistants to support multi-disciplinary law and policy research on climate change resilience and adaptation measures that can be pursued by communities, and the challenges or obstacles to implementing them. The research is being led by the EI and Institute for Engagement & Negotiation's inaugural Environmental Sustainability & Resilience Practitioner Fellow, Elizabeth Andrews. 

Primary responsibilities

  • Law and policy research and analysis of a variety of topics related to communities’ climate change resilience and adaptation. This will include literature reviews.
  • Attendance and support for meetings with stakeholders/experts, including representatives of the Virginia Sea Grant program and pilot communities in the Middle Peninsula of Virginia. 
  • There is potential for the SRA to attend the National Adaptation Forum in May to help lead a workshop to gather case study information from attendees from across the country.  
  • Assistance with drafting case studies of communities’ responses to climate change impacts.
  • SRA will be expected to attend a weekly meeting of multi-disciplinary graduate SRAs working on this research, and to work collaboratively together as needed.

Time commitment and availability
Spring 2024 semester; 10 hours/week

Graduate Students from the Urban and Environmental Planning Department

Pay Rate:

Preferred experience and skills:

  • Candidates should display strong writing, research, and communication skills
  • Ability to work independently
  • An interest in environmental, climate change resilience, or environmental justice and climate equity issues is preferred, but not required. 
  • Previous work experience communicating and collaborating with external clients and partners also is desirable

To apply: Send your current resume/CV, brief (250 words or less) statement of your interest, and writing sample to Henry Seyram Kwesi Boachi (acj2ak@virginia.edu).  Please reach out to Elizabeth Andrews (eaa6m@virginia.edu) with any questions about this position.  


Preserving Coastal Parklands - St. Croix Island Student Research Assistant (SRA)

The position will work on refining concepts and developing visualizations for natural infrastructure approaches to island preservation of St. Croix island (in Maine, not the Caribbean!)

Primary responsibilities   

  • Work with Associate Professor Brian Davis and EA engineering to develop and visualize design concepts in response to erosion of the island bluff due to storms and sea level rise.

Time commitment and availability  
February - May 2024; 5-15 hours/week

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate Students(Must be in the 2nd or 3rd year of the MLA program or have significant experience with representing and analyzing dynamic environments using GIS, Rhino, and rendering workflows); PhD Students with relevant experience

Pay Rate
$18 - 20/hr.

Preferred experience and skills

  • 3D and graphic representation skills (required)
  • Ability to use GIS to analyze large data sets and compare changes in topography and bathymetry (required)

To apply
Submit a resume of relevant experience, including coursework, a PDF of work samples (5 mb size limit; please try to limit the number of pages) and a statement of interest (1 page limit) to Brian Davis at mudlands@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Brian Davis with any questions about this position.


Luis Pancorbo and Ines Martin Robles, directors of the Vicenza Summer Program, are looking for ONE Student Instructor Assistant (SIA) for the Vicenza program 2024. 

Primary responsibilities   

  • WhatsApp group creation and management.
  • Collecting and organizing students' preferences for regular weekday dinners. 
  • Communication with students regarding train departure times, daily schedule, location of main group.
  • Assisting faculty during weekly deskcrits, classes, and lectures.
  • Collect students' destinations, departure and arrival times, and itineraries during the free long weekend.
  • Creation and management of a sign-up list for student’s building presentations. Coordination of subsequent student presentations on site.
  • SIA will have free weekends and four-day weekend but must remain in Vicenza overnight in case there is any student that decided not to travel during these days.
  • Assisting students with their drawing skills during the regular scheduled activities.

Time commitment and availability  
Summer 2024 for 5 weeks. Full time (8 hours a day, 5 days a week) from May 28 to July 1st. Vicenza, Italy+ 10 hours pre-departure coordination and 10 hours for students' final submissions coordination. SIA must arrive in Vicenza one day before the start of the program (May 27th) and leave one day after the end (July 2nd).

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate students in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Architectural History, and Urban + Environmental Planning. Former students of the program are welcome to apply for the position and will have priority in the selection.

Payment of $2,900 (gross, pre-taxes and fees). UVA covers payroll taxes, fringe costs, etc. but the SIA is responsible for income taxes and other deductions they have elected as a part of their benefits. Meals and incidentals per diem of $1,120. Coverage of all travel costs, out-of-pocket expenses, cell phone service…etc.

Preferred experience and skills

  • Practiced with hand drawing as a means of inquiry
  • Must be able to support and encourage students of all skill levels in gaining proficiency in the practice of seeing and drawing
  • Knowledge of Italian history-especially art and architecture-preferred but not required
  • Good organization skills required

To apply
Send a Resume/CV, recommendation letter from one faculty from the School, and evidence of hand drawing (10 drawings minimum) from the last five years (Package the full application materials into a single PDF) to Luis Pancorbo (lgp6t@virginia.edu) and Ines Martin-Robles (imm3x@virginia.edu). Copy John Comazzi (jcomazzi@virginia.edu) on your application. Please reach out to Luis Pancorbo and Ines Martin-Robles with any questions about this position.

Graduate Student Ambassador - Student Staff Assistant (SSA)

The A-School Admission Office is seeking one or more SSAs (graduate level) to help with communicating with and hosting events for prospective students.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Prospective student correspondence (email/zoom)
  • Event participation (public speaking, guiding tours, etc.)
  • Other recruitment-related projects

Time commitment and availability  
March 2024 - April 2024, and then recurring during the Fall and Spring semesters throughout the Ambassador's enrollment, based on performance and availability; 2- 4 hours per week.

Level + Eligibility 
Graduate Students; Only for students graduating Fall 2024 and later.

Pay Rate
$14/hr. - with yearly increases available

Preferred experience and skills

  • Experience in public speaking and event staffing is preferred. While experience in these areas is not required, the willingness to speak in front of groups for tours and at events is required.

To apply
Send a Resume/CV, UVA Transcript, and Interest Statement (responding to the prompt: Why do you want to be an Ambassador and what is your favorite thing about the A-School?, Max. Length - 250 words) to Eric Callaway at hjb7nu@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Eric Callaway with any questions about this position. 


Housing in Jamaica and the U.S. —  Student Research Assistant (SRA)

Assistant Professor Stacy Scott is seeking a SRA to work on a research project about housing in Jamaica and the United States of America — re-creating housing to explore its cyclical relationship as it travels back and forth between two places. This role involves crafting detailed physical and digital models of residential homes tailored for communities in Jamaica and the United States, reflecting the unique cultural and functional needs of the Jamaican diaspora.

Primary responsibilities   

  • This position requires the creation of detailed physical and digital models that represent the living spaces of Jamaican communities both in their homeland and in the United States.

Time commitment and availability  
March - April 4, 2024; This position is anticipated to be 5-7 hours a week, with attendance at a weekly meeting check-in required.

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students and Graduate Students in the Architecture Department; PhD Students with architecture background

Pay Rate
$18/hr. (undergraduate); $19/hr. (graduate and PhD)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Exceptionally talented
  • Proficiency in physical model making 
  • Proficiency in understanding materiality
  • Experience in Rhino
  • FabLab ready

To apply
Submit a PDF of no fewer than 2 work samples of your physical models to Stacy Scott (shscott@virginia.edu). Please reach out to Stacy Scott with any questions about this position.


Biophilic Cities Student Research Assistant (SRA)

Biophilic Cities is seeking assistance with a research project that will explore innovative policy and legal valuation mechanisms through a review of multi-disciplinary theory in fields that include law, economics, ecology, public policy, and urban planning. As an element of the project, the research team will work in collaboration with urban foresters in Biophilic Cities Network partner cities to study the current implementation of innovative valuation approaches.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Research into innovative approaches to value and protect existing urban trees through municipal policies and practice
  • Drafting case studies that illustrate the implementation and impact of innovative approaches
  • Assistance with a range of communication tools to convey the findings of the research

Time commitment and availability  
February - May 2024; 12 weeks; 8-10 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, PhD Students

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Proficiency in research and writing (required)
  • Knowledge and understanding of municipal law and policy (preferred)

To apply
Submit your resume, a writing sample, and letter of interest to JD Brown at jdb5c@virginia.edu. Please reach out to JD Brown with any questions about this position. 


Venice Program Student Research Assistant (SRA)

The Venice Program SRA will work closely with Professors William Sherman and Ali Fard towards the production of a book documenting the work and research of the Venice program over the past three years.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Organizing and formatting the archive of projects produced in the program
  • Assisting with research into various aspects of Venetian architecture and urbanism
  • Conducting literature reviews as required
  • Producing mockups and design templates
  • Coordinating and managing contributions

Time commitment and availability  
Spring 2024, extendable into summer and/or Fall 2024; Up to 10 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students; The ideal candidate will be a recent alumnus of the Venice program.

Pay Rate
$16/hr (undergraduate students); $18/hr. (graduate students)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Proficiency in design software (2D and 3D) and the ability to edit and reformat drawings
  • Strong time management skills
  • Great communication skills
  • General knowledge of Venice and its urban environment

To apply
Submit send a current CV, PDF of work samples, and a short statement of interest to Ali Fard (afard@virginia.edu) and William Sherman (whs2b@virginia.edu) Please reach out to Ali Fard and William Sherman with any questions about this position. 


Puerto Rican (REC)onstructions Student Research Assistant (SRA)

Assistant Professor Isaac Mangual seeks an SRA to assist with documentation and visualization on Puerto Rican architecture and media for a forthcoming VA Fellows exhibition.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Assist in research planning regarding Puerto Rican vernacular housing in the diaspora and mainland
  • Categorize and organize archival drawings, photographs, and media
  • Collaborate with faculty and team on refining concepts
  • Produce architectural drawings and visualizations according to provided guidelines and specifications
  • Create architectural models for upcoming VA Fellows Exhibit
  • Other duties as assigned related to the project

Time commitment and availability  
February - April, 10-11 weeks; 5-6 hours per week

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students; PhD Students

Pay Rate
$18/hr (undergraduate students); $20/hr. (graduate students)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Experience and interest in multi-media research.
  • Proficiency in design software (Rhino, AutoCad, Adobe, etc) and visualization/representation skills.
  • Experience with model-making techniques and materials.
  • FabLab Experience.
  • Strong Research Skills.
  • Strong Communication skills, written and verbal.
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively with a research team.
  • High Spanish reading, writing, and speaking proficiency preferred, but not required.

To apply
Send a CV or Resume, PDF of work samples, and short statement of interest to Isaac Mangual Martínez (nkc5ec@virginia.edu). Please reach out to Isaac Mangual Martínez with any questions about this position. 



The Department of Architecture seeks a student representative to join the search committee for new faculty fellowship positions this spring, 2024. The student will join the committee at all phases of candidate review, interviews, recruiting, and deliberations. Please consider nominating a peer or self-nomination.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Review of applicant material (this will likely require review over spring break)
  • Participation in interviews (to the extent class schedules allow), recruiting discussions, and committee deliberation meetings 
  • Requirements: The search process is strictly confidential to protect the candidates and the integrity of the search process. The student representative must maintain the confidentiality of the process and committee deliberations.
  • Upon appointment to the committee, the student will be required to complete EOCR online search committee training (https://employmentequity.virginia.edu/)

Time commitment and availability  
Early March – late April; 10 hours/week

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students; PhD Students

Pay Rate
$16/hr (undergraduate students); $18/hr. (graduate/PhD students)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Ability to collaborate
  • Interest in the future trajectory of the school
  • Ability to articulate priorities of the teaching and learning culture, the school and the disciplines.
To nominate a peer
Send a brief statement with reasons for nomination to Leslie Hellerman (lh9ra@virginia.edu)
To apply
Send a current CV and brief (250 words or less) statement of interest to Leslie Hellerman (lh9ra@virginia.edu)
Please reach out to Leslie Hellerman (copy Nana Last (ndl5g@virginia.edu) and Jeana Ripple (jdr8w@virginia.edu)) for questions about this position.

Exhibition Designer / Installer - Student Research Assistant (SRA)

Assistant Professor Matthew Seibert is seeking applications for 1-2 SRAs to help craft and install an exhibition entitled “The Aperiodic Table of the Anthropocene” in the tranSci Lab (UVA Chemistry Building), opening March 15.  As a roadmap for the new, strange, and often harmful material formations unique to this geological epoch of accelerated change by humankind, the project seeks to bring attention to hidden or rarely-seen trajectories of the materials implicated in the Green Energy Transition (from extraction, to production, and waste).

Primary responsibilities   

  • GIS and map-making
  • Exhibition installation (hanging, affixing, printing, etc.)

Time commitment and availability  
Position starts late February and culminates on 3/15, additional hours available for uninstall at end of semester; 10-20 hours per week (with some hours potentially over spring break).

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate and Graduate Students

Pay Rate
$16/hr (undergraduate students); $18/hr. (graduate students)

Preferred experience and skills

  • GIS
  • General fabrication
  • Communication & coordination with disciplines outside design

To apply
Send a current resume/CV and brief (250 – 300 words) statement of your interest, experience, and availability to Matthew Seibert (ms3sy@virginia.edu). Please reach out to Matthew Seibert with any questions about this position.


mpathic design: Blue Note Junction Student Research Assistant (SRA)

Elgin Cleckley is seeking two students to support a collaboration with Blue Note Junction (BNJ), Asheville.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Meet weekly with BNJ leadership and Asheville architecture firms. 
  • Complete design details and provide Design Development drawings to support fabrication and materials.
  • Detail sustainability and cost plans as needed. 
  • Provide design recommendations on implementation on BNJ's future site.

Time commitment and availability  
February - May 2024, ~ 14 weeks; Up to 8 hours per week.

Level + Eligibility 
Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students; This posting is limited to students who completed the fall 2023 _mpathic design: Blue Note Junction Design Research Studio. There are two positions available.

Pay Rate
$16/hr (undergraduate students); $18/hr. (graduate students)

Preferred experience and skills

  • Experience with Adobe Creative Suite, CAD / Rhino (required)
  • Experience with community engagement methods + implementation (required)
  • Good organizational skills (required)

To apply
Submit a current CV, a PDF of works samples and a short statement of interest to Elgin Cleckley at elc2n@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Elgin Cleckley with any questions about this position. 



We are seeking one or more SRAs to work closely with Assoc. Professors Matthew Jull & Leena Cho on a National Science Foundation sponsored project focused on design and planning in the Arctic region.

Primary responsibilities   

  • The project is centered on a high-density sensor array deployed by our UVA team in summer of 2021 within an urban environment in the high Arctic. These sensors are measuring micrometeorological and ground-based conditions due to building, infrastructure, and anthropogenic disturbance of permafrost as well as climate change induced factors.
  • The SRA will be expected to work with the research team on understanding and characterizing the observed environmental conditions and their design significance through the use of analysis tools such as arcGIS and Climate Studio. 
  • Pending successful review, potential for joining the research team in the field in northern Alaska in summer of 2024.

Time commitment and availability  
February – May, 2024; On review, possible extension to summer 2024 + 2024-2025 academic year; 10 hrs/wk.; Will need to join weekly research team meetings.

Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, PhD Students

Pay Rate
$15-20/hr; commensurate with experience

Preferred experience and skills

  • Strong research and analysis skills (required)
  • Confidence in working independently (required)
  • Strong visual representation skills (required)

To apply
Submit a CV, design & analysis work samples, and a brief statement of interest that includes year, department/degree, any relevant skills, experience, and/or interests, and contact information to Matthew Jull (mj5kh@virginia.edu) and Leena Cho (lsc7t@virginia.edu). Please reach out to Matthew Jull and Leena Cho with any questions about this position. 



The position will support research tracing the evolution of collaborative spatial patterns at the scale of landscapes and urban fragments in the context of the academic and research campus. It will reference and locate historically relevant examples in a network of influences across various authors, offices, and eras. Students will contribute to the material of the upcoming Virginia Architecture Fellowship exhibition in Spring 2024.

Primary responsibilities

  • Communicate with universities and other organizations in collecting GIS and 3D model data for the research
  • Develop diagrammatic models and connectivity diagrams for various spatial patterns
  • Contribute to represent and format the research for the upcoming exhibition

Time commitment and availability
Spring 2024; 10 hours/wk

Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students

Pay Rate:

Preferred experience and skills:

  • Proficiency in Rhino 3D modeling
  • Creative Suite skills desired
  • Experience in ArcGIS Pro is welcome, but not required
  • Experience in Grasshopper with Elk, Urbano, and similar is welcome, but not required

To apply: Submit a short curriculum vitae, examples of design/research work, and a brief statement of interest with the year, department, relevant skills, experience, interests and contact information to Peter Stec at pstec@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Peter Stec with any questions about this position.


Instructor: Jessica Sewell

Associate Professor Jessica Sewell is seeking applications for a SIA for PLAN 3040 (Spring 2024).

Role and responsibilities
The SIA’s duties will consist primarily of grading student assignments (papers and essay exams) and may also include other support work for the class

Time commitment and availability
Spring 2024, Approximately 10 hours a week, ideally including attending lectures MWF 10am – 10:50am

Graduate student (Note: Graduate students are eligible to grade student work after completing 18 credits of course work at the University of Virginia.)


Experience and skills 
A humanities background is preferred by not essential

To apply: Submit a letter of interest addressing the experience + skills requirements and CV (single pdf) to Jessica Sewell, jes4gd@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Jessica Sewell with any questions about this position.


Instructors: Jess Vanecek and Matthew Seibert (1 position to fill)

Jess Vanecek and Matthew Seibert are seeking applications for a SIA for SARC 6720 - Design Computation II (Spring 2024).

Role and responsibilities
SIA will work together with instructors to prepare material for weekly workshops and provide computational support for students both during and outside of allotted class time.

Time commitment and availability
Spring 2024, 6-8 hours per week: 

  • Required attendance at all lectures/workshop sessions (2.5 hours/week, T/TH 11:00am – 12:15pm)
  • Required office hours outside of class time to assist students with assignments (2 hours/week)
  • Additional time for class preparation and teaching team meetings (1.5 – 3.5 hours/week) 

7000/8000 Level Graduate Students


Experience and skills 
Proficient in Rhino, Grasshopper, ArcGIS Pro, Adobe CC (Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects)

To apply: Submit a short statement of interest and select work samples addressing the experience + skills requirements, and a CV (single pdf) to Jess Vanecek at jrv2y@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Jess Vanecek with any questions about this position.



The SRA/SIA will provide administrative/research support for the instructor. The class will create materials and presentations that are part of Professor Roberts’ Center for Cultural Landscapes' Mellon grant funded, Outsider Preservation Initiative. The course will focus on descendant engagement, planning, and preservation through a practice, theory, and policy lens. The co-production of knowledge and new preservation pedagogical approaches are required deliverables and research outcomes of the grant-funded initiative.    

Primary responsibilities
The SRA/SIA will:

  • Co-creating, evaluating, and assessing research outcomes  - namely, new pedagogical materials and approaches to engaging descendant communities
  • Finding and aggregating supplementary media and readings for the class 
  • Scheduling guest speakers and presenters by zooms and in-person
  • Supporting professor evaluation of student assignments  
  • Providing one-on-one student support to clarify assignment instructions 
  • Co-managing and setting up the course Canvas, especially the readings and learning modules 
  • Helping students navigate Canvas 
  • May also include other support work for the class

Time commitment and availability
Spring 2024 (possible extension through Summer); 10 hours per week, attendance at center and research team meetings, also including attending class (Note: the course meets once a week, Wednesdays 9-11:30 am, and during the second half of the course, will include visiting the research site in Fluvanna County).

Graduate Students, PhD Students

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Interest in historic preservation and African American history
  • Experience creating StoryMaps and GIS Maps
  • Experience using Adobe Suite products for graphic design
  • Experience managing or creating a course in Canvas with an instructor
  • Intermediate Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint skills 
  • Able to schedule and arrange Zoom or Teams events
  • Successful completion of 18 hours of graduate work

To apply: Submit a letter of interest addressing the required experience and skills as well as 1) a writing sample, 2) a graphic design or ArcGIS sample, and 3) a CV (single pdf) to Andrea Roberts, aroberts318@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Andrea Roberts with any questions about this position.


This SRA will work closely with the hiring manager, Associate Professor Bev Wilson, as well as faculty in Environmental Sciences and Civil Engineering to complete several tasks in support of an ongoing research project. This work integrates scenario analysis, model simulation, and participatory mapping to incorporate community input and capture new knowledge that inform the scaling and siting of nature-based solutions in the Charlottesville-Albemarle region.  

Primary responsibilities

  • Collecting and integrating geospatial data from disparate sources
  • Developing and deploying ESRI web applications
  • Conducting limited literature reviews
  • Supporting qualitative research (e.g., focus groups, interviews, and intercept surveys) as needed
  • Assisting with manuscript preparation

Time commitment and availability
Spring 2024 semester, with potential to continue; 10-15 hours/week

Graduate Students; Students who have completed PLAN 6120 are preferred

Pay Rate:
$16-18/hr, based on qualifications

Preferred experience and skills:

  • Familiarity with green infrastructure and nature-based solutions in the context of resilience planning and experience with ArcGIS Pro is required. 
  • Students who have completed PLAN 6120 are preferred. 
  • Candidates should be highly organized and able to work independently to meet weekly or biweekly goals.
  • Applicants who have experience with public engagement and/or who have worked with i-Tree Eco will be given additional consideration.

To apply: Submit a resume of relevant experience, a statement of interest (maximum 1 page), and any relevant work samples to Bev Wilson at bw6xs@virginia.edu. Please email Bev Wilson with any questions about the position.



Assoc. Professors Matthew Jull & Leena Cho, and Research Associate Ben DiNapoli are seeking an undergraduate or graduate student research assistant(s) to join the ADG to assist ongoing academic research on urban sustainability, design, and planning for a subset of Arctic cities. This work focuses on understanding and evaluating the type and nature of urban transitions for five Arctic cities, resulting from changes in policy, economic status, climate, or other factors on both long- and short-time frames. The research assistant(s) will gain experience and develop skills in analytical, visual, quantitative and qualitive research techniques.

Primary responsibilities
1. Over two periods of change, develop a series of comparative urban-scale diagrams using orthophotos that illustrate growth and expansion of the city within specific neighborhoods, districts, or regions of the city.

2. Create GIS data that evaluates which neighborhoods contain new projects or development plans and determine statistics in relation to existing geospatial data. 

3. Read, review, and assess specific city planning documents to evaluate the set of goals, targets, policies, and/or strategies that drive sustainable development and growth (i.e., detailed document review). 

4. Assist in synthesizing and representing the research through figures and presentation graphics for co-authored publications.

Time commitment and availability
J-Term and Spring 2024, with the possibility to extend further based on performance and availability; 10-15 hours per week or deliverable-based.

Undergraduate, Graduate Students in Architecture, Planning, Landscape or related disciplines are welcome to apply.

Pay Rate:
$15-$20/hr commensurate with experience

Preferred experience and skills:
• Interest in integrative and collaborative research.
• Excellent time management skills.
• Be reliable, take ownership of own work, with attention to detail.
• Experience in ArcGIS Pro is strongly preferred but not required.
• Experience developing graphic visualizations of various media and data is strongly preferred but not required.
• Proficient in digital design software (InDesign, Illustrator, Rhino/CAD etc.).

To apply: Send CV, examples of design/research work, and a brief statement of interest that includes year, department/degree, any relevant skills, experience, and/or interests, and contact information to both Matthew Jull (mj5kh@virginia.edu) and Ben DiNapoli (bwd3ba@virginia.edu). Please reach out to Matthew Jull and Ben DiNapoli with any questions about this position.



This position supports the research of Jess Vanecek in unpacking the geospatial and geopolitical cause and effect relationships of climate change on a series of islands within the Chesapeake Bay. The research requires the ability to think/work across disciplines (arch/landscape/urban), scales (global to site), and time (past histories to future speculations) and will place emphasis on architectural drawing and mapping in the creation of compelling visual narratives. Students will contribute to and assist with the planning and installation of the upcoming Virginia Architecture Fellows exhibition in Spring 2024.

Primary responsibilities   

  • Conduct geospatial, environmental, political, and social research on various islands of the Chesapeake Bay 
  • Assist/develop multi-scalar mappings & drawings (analytical and speculative) 
  • Assist with organization of photos & creation of videos 
  • Assist/contribute to exhibition prep and installation 

Time commitment and availability  
February – May, 2024; Up to 10 hours per week; Attendance at a weekly meeting determined by schedule of student

Undergraduate Students (3rd or 4th year), Graduate Students, PhD Students (any discipline)

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Proficiency in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign
  • Proficiency in Rhino (3D modeling and axonometric drawing)
  • Experience in ArcGIS (preferred but not required)
  • Experience with photo editing/animation (preferred but not required)

To apply
Submit a short statement of interest (3-5 sentences), examples of design/research work, and any relevant experience (if applicable) to Jess Vanecek at jrv2y@virginia.edu. Please reach out to Jess Vanecek with any questions about this position. 



This position requires excellent research skills particularly archival research and policy analysis. Also, the student should demonstrate writing skills.

Primary responsibilities

To provide research support for the Cities Without Work project 

Time commitment and availability
January through May 2024--16 weeks; 8-10 hours/week

Graduate Students

Pay Rate
$16-18/hr based on experience

Preferred experience and skills

  • Strong research and writing skills
  • Ability to synthesize large amounts of data
  • Some proficiency with the Adobe Suite (optional, but desirable)

To apply: Submit a CV, statement of interest, writing example to Suzanne Moomaw (swm2x@virginia.edu). Please reach out to Suzanne Moomaw with any questions about this position.



Student Researcher will assist with the exploration, testing, calibration, design, and fabrication of furniture pieces assembled from stone offcuts. With support from a Vice Provost for the Arts grant and in collaboration with Albemarle Stoneworks, SRAs will assist in exploring stone joinery techniques using the 5-axis waterjet at Lacy Hall.

Primary responsibilities

  • Joinery research
  • 5-axis waterjet tolerance + material calibration and testing
  • Design and assembly of furniture pieces
  • Exhibit prep

Time commitment and availability
January 5 - May 15 2024; Roughly 5 hours per week

Graduate Students

Pay Rate:

Preferred experience and skills:
- SRAs must be proficient using the 5-axis water jet in Lacy Hall

To apply: Submit a short statement of interest (3-5 sentences) to JT Bachman at jb7mx@virginia.edu. Please reach out to JT Bachman with any questions about this position.



The SRA reports to Andrea Roberts, CCL Faculty Director and consults with Dr. Andrew Johnston for technical guidance.        

Primary responsibilities
The SRA will:

  • Document a barn and surrounding historic Black-owned farm in the Shenandoah Valley including: 
    • Taking photos and create a meta-tagging system
    • Taking basic measurements of historic barn
    • Determining how barns and outbuildings were used
    • Examining walls for signs of use, condition, and wood types and sourcing
    • Documenting possible building construction methods
    • Recording oral history interviews with builders' descendants about the landscape and barn
  • Create a system for the identification of similar sites in the region. 
  • Determine eligibility for site, district, or structure nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. 
  • Begin a National Register nomination form for the landscape. 
  • Organize and analyze descendants of builders’ land and property records. 
  • Contextualize farm landscape within Rockingham County and Shenandoah Valley.
  • Help the CCL Director create a repository at UVA Special Collections for materials and a replicable system for recording structures and landscapes in the region
  • Attend meetings with Professor Roberts and farm owners.

Time commitment and availability
Spring 2024, extension into Summer possible (though not required); 10 hours a week, averaged over the 15-week semester, extension into Summer possible (though not required).

Graduate Students, PhD Students

Pay Rate

Preferred experience and skills

  • Successful completion of ARH 3604 and 8604: Field Methods I (required)
  • Experience completing National Register for Historic Places nominations
  • Archival research experience, especially in UVA Special Collections, required 
  • Familiarity with historical research and documentation of African American rural landscape and vernacular architecture
  • Experience with digital storytelling and curation of archival materials and various forms of data 
  • Strong writing, communication, and organization skills

To apply: Submit your current CV + short statement of interest in an email to Andrea Roberts aroberts318@virginia.edu.  Please reach out to Andrea Roberts with any questions about this position.



Associate Dean CL Bohannon is seeking applications for 1-2 SRAs to support ongoing community engagement projects.

Primary responsibilities
    •    Archiving community-engaged studio from LAR 7010 
    •    Development of a website for the Community Engagement Lab 
    •    Preparation, curation, and organization of an exhibit of community-engaged studio work. 
    •    Researching grants for community engagement/community-based research (compiling community engagement resources (readings, tool kits, etc.)

Time commitment and availability  
Spring Semester  2024, 10 hours a week, averaged over the 15-week semester; extension into Summer possible (though not required)

Graduate Students, PhD Students

Pay Rate
$16/hr. - $18/hr.

Preferred experience and skills
    •    Experience with secondary research methods, documentation, and archiving 
    •    Experience with Adobe Creative Suite to support the design of graphically engaging materials 
    •    Ability to create a website and experience with distilling large amounts of information

To apply
Submit a current resume/CV and short statement of interest with related coursework, work examples or professional experience to CL Bohannon (clbohannon@virginia.edu). Please email CL Bohannon with any questions about this position.



This position will support a pilot project that investigates how virtual reality representations of projected sea level rise (https://coast.noaa.gov/floodexposure/#-8517804,4438351,12z) affect risk perception among elected officials and community leaders in the Hampton Roads region. This project is being implemented in partnership with Virginia Cooperative Extension and the Virginia Tech Coastal Collaborator Center.

Primary responsibilities

The SRA will collaborate with Associate Professor Bev Wilson and Dr. Wendy Stout to:    

  • Build upon an established workflow to develop and deploy 3D visualizations selected sites
  • Visualize the built environment and inundation levels with ArcGIS CityEngine
  • Use tools like Lumion and Twinmotion to enhance the realism of 3D visualizations
  • Develop static maps using GIS and create Story Map to communicate research findings

Time commitment and availability
Spring 2024 semester; 10-12 hours/week

Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students

Pay Rate
$16-18/hr based on experience

Preferred experience and skills
The ideal candidate is:

  • Enthusiastic and punctual with excellent organizational skills.    
  • Experienced with 3D visualization software/tools (e.g., CityEngine, Lumion, Twinmotion)
  • Comfortable working independently with appropriate guidance 
  • Interested in pushing the envelope and engaging in exploratory research
  • Additionally, previous experience creating virtual reality content is not required, but would be especially beneficial

To apply: Submit a resume, relevant work samples, and brief explanation of any related coursework or professional experience to Bev Wilson (bw6xs@virginia.edu). Please reach out to Bev Wilson with any questions about this position.


Mindful Materiality, a project funded by the Climate Futures Design Research Challenge, posits that the multi-sensorial experience offered by interacting with biomaterials (wood, bamboo, plant fibers, etc.) in architectural applications will increase human connection to nature, in turn supporting mental health and pro-environmental behaviors which play an important role in supporting planetary health and climate security. Student research assistants will work with Directors of the Before Building Laboratory Katie MacDonald and Kyle Schumann on the design, construction, and installation of an experimental biomaterial interior space and a control space, each used to test multisensorial impact in collaboration with Mary Irene DeShong Professor of Design & Health, Jenny Roe.

Primary responsibilities
Design, fabrication, and construction activities will include using Rhinoceros and Grasshopper for toolpath preparation, analog and robotic woodworking, as well as lifting and transportation of logs and parts for processing and assembly.

Time commitment and availability
J-Term and Spring 2024; 8-20 hours/wk.

Graduate Students

Pay Rate:
$18-20, depending on experience

Preferred experience and skills:
•Woodworking experience and digital fabrication experience desired

To apply: Send CV, work samples to Katie MacDonald (kmacdonald@virginia.edu). Please reach out to Katie MacDonald with any questions about this position.



_mpathic design seeks to hire one to two students to support the completion of a new exhibition - confirmed for display at two international locations in 2024.  SRA positions may continue into the summer, depending on availability.

Primary responsibilities

  • Preparing existing models for display
  • Aiding in the completion of information and graphic panels
  • Collaborating with architecture students at both venues to create full-scale interactives
  • Preparing all of the exhibition's items for shipping

Time commitment and availability
Spring 2024, 7-10 weeks; with possibility to continue into Summer 2024; 5 - 10 hours a week

Undergraduate Students

Pay Rate:

Preferred experience and skills:

  • Experience in Digital Fabrication, 
  • Experience in Detailed Model Making
  • Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite
  • Exhibition experience/interest

To apply: Submit a statement of interest and CV (as a single PDF) to Professor Elgin Cleckley at elc2n@virginia.edu. Please email Elgin Cleckley with any questions about the position.



This SRA/SIA  position is supported by seed funded project that integrates research methods to better understand the movements of forcibly displaced people in Athens, Greece, and nearby areas. Their well-being depends on factors like access to employment, green spaces, and cultural hubs. Analyzing their movements over time is crucial for effective accommodation in design and planning. We test the integration of existing ethnographic research with simulated refugee movement, aiming to strike a balance between a comprehensive understanding while adhering to ethical considerations of protecting the privacy of displaced people.  

Primary responsibilities
The SRA primary position is to work with the PIs, Earl Mark at UVA and Collaborating PIs at the National Technical University in Athens, School of Architecture, and the Center for Social Research, Athens, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex movements of forcibly displaced people. The candidate will also serve in a partial SIA role, Tu/Th 11 am to 12:15 pm, for the related weekly spring seminar ARCH 5500/8500 Rapid Shelter Displaced People in Spring 2024, with respect to helping to mentor independent student projects and engaging with guest speakers.

SRA Focus Area: Athens, Greece, and surrounding regions, examining displacement across three scales: 

  • Trans-nationally: Across national borders 
  • Trans-regionally: Between different regions within a country 
  • Trans-locally: Between nearby places of habitation (e.g., refugee camps, urban communities)

Time commitment and availability
The position is for up to 17 weeks coincident with the Spring 2024 semester;  10 to12 hours per week (75% SRA, 25% SIA). Attend seminar T, Th 11 am to 12:15 pm. Research hours TBA (more flexible)

Graduate Students, PhD Students; This position is designated primarily for graduate architecture, landscape architecture, planning or civil engineering graduate or PhD students. Note: in exceptional cases, upper level undergraduate students may be eligible depending upon experience.

Pay Rate
$17 hr.

Preferred experience and skills (not necessary to meet all of these)

  • Interest in humanitarian design and planning for forcibly displaced people.
  • Graduate or upper-level coursework in architecture, landscape architecture, planning, or civil engineering. 
  • Strong communication and mentoring skills.
  • Proficiency with GIS.
  • Experience in CAD 3D modeling, visualization, simulation/animation.
  • Coursework or experience with an applied programming language such as Python, Java, or C#. 
  • Exposure to AI applications, such as ChatGPT.

To apply: Submit a brief statement of interest and qualifications, and a recent CV to Earl Mark at ejmark@virginia.edu. For inquiries, please contact PI Associate Professor Earl Mark at ejmark@virginia.edu. The position needs to be filled as soon as possible and will remain open until filled.



Instructor Vanessa Guerra is seeking an SIA for PLAN 2020 (Planning Design Studio) for Spring 2024.

Role and responsibilities 
Student Instructor Assistant will support studio faculty by working directly with PLAN2020 students, contributing to desk crits and pinup reviews during class, and holding office hours. In addition, the Instructor Assistant is expected to assist the instructor with coordinating site visits and conducting design software tutorials and workshops.

Time commitment and availability  
Spring Semester 2024; Total hours are anticipated to be 10 hours per week, including availability during studio time (Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30am – 11:30am) 

Advanced graduate student from any A-School Department

Pay Rate

Experience and skills
SIA should have a clear understanding of urban planning principles and a basic understanding of technical and conceptual design skills. SIA should have full Adobe Suite skills; GIS is preferred.

To apply
Submit a current resume/CV and short statement of interest with related coursework, work examples or professional experience to Vanessa Guerra (tvc5md@viginia.edu). Please email Vanessa Guerra with any questions about this position.



Instructors Ines Martin Robles and Luis Pancorbo are seeking an SIA for ARCH 7020 (Los Angeles Studio) and ARCH 7230 (Building Workshop III) for Spring 2024.

Role and responsibilities  
For Arch7230, SIA will help to:

  • Coordinate workshops (structures) organizing sign up lists and coordinating with external instructors
  • Provide feedback to students about the assignments

For Arch 7020, SIA will:

  • Provide research support for Los Angeles trip
  • Coordinate review and pin-up spaces and assist with student set-up
  • Deliver a restricted number of workshops (maximum of 2), on rendering (Lumion-vray, Enscape) — these may be required depending on the skills of the enrolled students

Time commitment and availability  
Spring Semester 2024; SIA will meet with student periodically to provide assignment support; 5 hours per week.

Open to 7000/8000 Master of Architecture students and PhD students — must be Federal Work Study eligible and have accepted their FWS award  

Pay Rate


Experience and skills

  • Complete competency in CAD-Rhino
  • High competency in Revit
  • Interest in building technologies and materials
  • Demonstrable knowledge of the cultural background related to the studio topic (Latinx culture in the United States, and Hispanic culture in general)

To apply

Submit a current resume/CV and short statement of interest with related coursework, work examples or professional experience to Ines Martin Robles (imm3x@virginia.edu) and Luis Pancorbo (lgp6t@virginia.edu). Please email Ines Martin Robles and Luis Pancorbo with any questions about this position.


A Study of Maternal Health in Diverse Domestic Birth Environments — STUDENT RESEARCH ASSISTANT (SRA)

Stacy Scott is seeking up to two dedicated and enthusiastic Research Assistants to support a research project titled "A Study of Maternal Health in Diverse Domestic Birth Environments." This position offers an opportunity for research on the relationship between domesticity and healthcare. 

Primary responsibilities

  • Assist in the planning and execution of research activities related to maternal health in diverse domestic birth environments.
  • Collaborate with the research team to collect and analyze data from a variety of sources.
  • Conduct literature reviews and stay updated with the latest developments in the field.
  • Assist in organizing and maintaining research materials and databases.
  • Create physical models for an exhibition.
  • Prepare reports, summaries, and visual representations of research findings.
  • Support the project lead in project management tasks.
  • Assist in drafting and editing research publications and presentations.

Time commitment and availability  
Early February – mid-April, 2024; Up to 10 hours per week; Attendance at a weekly meeting determined by schedule of student

Graduate Students, PhD Students

Pay Rate
$18 - 20/hr.

Preferred experience and skills

  • Currently enrolled in a PhD/graduate program with a strong academic background.
  • A passion for maternal health research, particularly within diverse domestic birth environments.
  • Strong research skills, including data collection, analysis, and synthesis.
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail.
  • Proficiency in design software.
  • Strong communication skills, both written and verbal.
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively as part of a research team. 
  • FabLab experience.
  • Some documents will be in Spanish. Students with Spanish speaking background or reading proficiency highly encouraged to apply.

To apply
Submit the following materials to shscott@virginia.edu. Please include "Research Assistant Application - Maternal Health Study" in the subject line of your email. Submit a resume or work samples of relevant experience and a statement of interest to Stacy Scott at shscott@virginia.edu . If considered, a short interview will be scheduled to confirm interest and availability. Please reach out to Stacy Scott with any questions about this position.


Assistant Professor María González Aranguren is seeking a Research Assistant at the undergraduate level in Architecture to support her with the research in the architectural typology of the prisons as a minimum domestic space, specifically in the analysis of the prison cell and its direct relationship with the minimum dwellings.

Primary responsibilities
The SRA will work closely with Maria González Aranguren and assist in the creation of new graphics for existing research, as well as in the research of new prison typologies. Responsibilities include:
• Collecting, reviewing, and synthesis of research material including reports, historical documents, plans and relevant literature
• Organizing the research materials for future advances
• Synthesizing the research in drawings (plans and diagrams)
• Developing and implementing new conventions for representation

Time commitment and availability
01/15/2024 - 05/31/2024, 21 weeks; 10 hours/week

Undergraduate Students

Pay Rate:
$16-$18/hr based on experience

Preferred experience and skills:
• Interest in the topic, useful for her/his future thesis or research
• Advanced research and organizational skills
• Drawing abilities in softwares like Rhino / Autocad/ In Design / Illustrator

To apply: Send your current CV, portfolio, and a brief statement of intent (combined in a single PDF) to María González Aranguren (mg5hh@virginia.edu) by December 1, 2023. Please reach out to María González Aranguren with any questions about this position.


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