Are you employing a student through the Federal Work Study program? 

Please read the following important information about work schedules for the 2024-2025 Academic Year, and Winter and Summer breaks:

  • Federal Work Study Students Workers can *not* work over 20 hours/week between all university jobs combined while school is in session.

  • Federal Work Study Student Workers can *never* work over 40 hours/week between all university jobs combined (applicable to when School is not in session).

  • The official Inter-term break (Winter Break) falls between the end of exams in one term and the start of classes in the next term, or, this year: December 18, 2024 through January 1, 2025 and January 12, 2025 only.

For 2024-2025, the earliest and latest dates to work in an FWS position are as follows: 

  • Students enrolled for both the fall and spring semester should begin work no earlier than August 27, 2024 and end no later than May 9, 2025.

  • Students enrolled for the fall semester only should begin work no earlier than August 27, 2024 and end no later than December 17, 2024.

  • Students enrolled for the spring semester only should begin work no earlier than January 13, 2025 and end no later than May 9, 2025.

  • Work-study is not available during the summer.

Additional details: 

  • A student who is enrolled for fall and spring terms may work during JTerm even if not enrolled in a JTerm course.

  • *A student who was not enrolled for the fall would not be allowed to work until enrolled in classes, either for JTerm or spring – that is, if a student is not enrolled for fall but enrolled for both JTerm and spring, s/he may begin work at the start of JTerm, on January 2, 2025.
  • Students who are eligible to work during JTerm, as set out above, continue to be limited to 20 hours a week during that term as well, regardless of whether or not they themselves are enrolled in a JTerm course.

  • Since JTerm is an academic term (as opposed to a break during which no classes are held), no student would be eligible to work more than 20 hours a week during JTerm. J-Term is January 2, 2025 - January 11, 2025.

  • For students eligible to work (as outlined above and in the FWS Handbook), official school breaks offer an opportunity for students to work up to 40 hours a week:  
    • Intra-term breaks are days that are specifically designated by the university as a “break,” which would include (if applicable) any contiguous weekends that may fall immediately before or immediately after the official break.
    • The official Inter-term break (Winter Break) falls between the end of exams in one term and the start of classes in the next term, or, this year: December 18, 2024 through January 1, 2025 and January 12, 2025 only.
  • Reminder: All hours entered under an FWS position count toward the student’s FWS earnings for the year, so please be aware that working longer hours during breaks can potentially cause a student to exceed his/her FWS award before the end of the academic year, at which point either the student must cease to work OR all additional hours need to be charged 100% to the department.


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